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Anglo-American School of Moscow (AAS)
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5.0 from 12 reviews
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12 Reviews of Anglo-American School of Moscow (AAS)

Average Ratings

Overall 5.00
Facilities 5.00
Academics 5.00
Teachers 4.89
Sports 5.00
Music & Arts 4.89
Science & Tech 4.89

Reviewer Nationalities

South African (1) Canadian (2) British (1) American (3) Dutch (1) Russian (1)

How would you rate Anglo-American School of Moscow (AAS)?

josh, 23/09/2024 @ 12:11:43
Relationship   Teacher

Music & Arts

Excellent campus, amazing teachers and staff that actually cared about the children.

Elena, 17/11/2022 @ 06:15:47
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Нам очень повезло попасть в эту школу в позапрошлом году. Дети прогрессирует каждый день, у них появилась уверенность в себе и своих возможностях, не говоря о том, что оба лепечут свободно по английски. Перестали бояться делать ошибки и понимают, что на этих ошибках и надо учиться, ощущение что они даже стали брать ответственность за свое образование. Недавно, сын вернулся из школы и сказал, что он не достаточно времени уделил подготовке своей презентации и ожидает, что оценка будет это отражать, а далее подумал еще и сказал; «в следующий раз выберу другую тему, которая мне более интересна и вложу еще больше усилий». Как они быстро растут! Да, школа не дешевая, но как родители, мы чувствуем, что сделали правильный выбор и вклад в счастье и развитие детей.

Michelle, 16/11/2022 @ 06:50:53
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Nos filles ont adoré cette école. Nous étions si tristes de partir. C'est de loin la meilleure école de Moscou. Nous avons adoré marcher dans la forêt devant l'école et participer à tous les événements communautaires. C'est comme une famille et les enseignants se sont vraiment occupés de nos enfants.

Jen, 11/11/2022 @ 04:46:05
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

It's a one of a kind school, we miss it every day, and wish we could be back there. It always felt more like a family to us as parents. It's the only school we have ever been at where everyone smiles so much in the hallways, from the teachers, to the cleaning staff. Our kids absolutely loved going to school every day, they made friends that they are still in touch with, and we saw them grow as young people which was strange for us as parents, but also very gratifying to know that we chose the right school for them to thrive at. My daughter became a master debater and my son is pursuing engineering because of his experiences in robotics at AAS. We wish AAS the best and could not recommend it enough to all of our friends who have been considering a posting in Moscow.

We Moved To Moscow , 20/10/2022 @ 16:20:42
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

We loved AAS Moscow, despite the challenges with Covid. It was so sad when HS paused for this year and we had to switch schools for one of our kids. He is really making an effort to enjoy his other school but the reality is that he cannot wait to come back to AAS next year when high school reopens. It's nice to see that our other school is making an effort but it's just not the same. We miss the our caring teachers at AAS, the sports facilities, and our sense of belonging to an international community. Although our oldest son's new school claims to be the most international school in Moscow, it really is 80% local students. As a parent with experience of 2 international schools outside of Russia and now two international schools in Moscow, I can without a doubt say that the AngloAmerican School is by far the best for both of my children and for me as a parent wanting to make sure that I make the best choices for them.

Kirsten Welbes, 20/04/2022 @ 07:26:55
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

AAS has been great for our girls. The student community and high quality education have helped my girls thrive.

Anki, 19/04/2022 @ 15:52:02
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

We have been with the school for 4 years and 2 kids. It's by far the best school. We couldn't get in first and ended up spending a year at ISM and did not like it. Once the girls joined AAS, they fell in love with their teachers, the sports, activities, pool, and everything else. I love being on campus too, helping out through the parent community group and creating fun events for my kids. The teachers really care and they are very dedicated. I wish we didn't have to leave but my husband's company relocated us.

Lillian, 18/11/2021 @ 08:08:51
Relationship   Pupil

Music & Arts

This school is the best school I've been to! I've spent most of my life here because all the teachers care about mental health and they also add a little bit of fun to every lesson! I really do not want to leave this school ever! It is definitely the school I've always wanted to go to!

Susanne, 22/11/2019 @ 12:47:01
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

After many years of being a parent in this school, with kids going through elementary, middle and high school, I can without a doubt say that this is one of the most welcoming and helpful learning communities in the world. We've traveled through a few schools overseas and in Canada and AAS is beyond anything we have ever seen in terms of the personalization of learning, level of education, facilities, range of activities, clubs and social events. It really does feel like a family with teachers who genuinely care about the future and wellbeing of each child and parents being partners in the school community. Of course, there are some issues, as every complex ecosystem has them, but there is a genuine desire to collaborate and solve problems together. We miss AAS dearly and can only hope to find another school close to it.

Reviews from Google

Recent reviews posted on Google.

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Barbara Lewis, 2 years ago

I teach here and love my school. The kids are great and the faculty are passionate about teaching and learning. Our school takes care of us very well.

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Max Boender, 2 years ago

This school is hands down the best choice for Primary and Secondary education following the American system. AAS used both the IB MYP and DP, and all graduating students receive both a High School diploma and an IB Certificate if they opt to go this route. The issues associated with this school mainly lie in situations caused by global politics, as certain teaching staff may not receive there Russian Visa until the end of the first semester. The school population is varied, and consists mostly off expats and children of diplomats, but some Russians are allowed to attend lest they demonstrate an excellent command of the English language. I highly recommend this school, as it is in my opinion the best choice for an international recognised diploma in both Moscow, and Russia as a whole.

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Tungesh Kapil, 2 years ago

Spent my entire lower and middle school here. They have invested a lot into the infrastructure and provided the best facilities for the students to grow and learn. They offer the best tools and organize a lot of events for the students. One of the best schools I have had the pleasure of attending.

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