British Schools in Dushanbe - List with Reviews

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2 schools found in Dushanbe

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Dushanbe International School 

5.0 from 5 reviews
Curriculum:English Primary Language:English
Age Range:3 to 16 Max Class Size:Unknown

Dushanbe International School was founded as a joint venture between Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan and Shelale Educational Corporation in 1997. The management of the School and teachers/staff were mainly provided by the Corporation. Starting from January... Read More

Dushanbe, Tajikistan 

Contofield International School 

4.6 from 7 reviews
Curriculum:English Primary Language:English
Age Range:3 to 16 Max Class Size:Unknown

Contofield International School of Dushanbe (CIS) opened in September 2012, and offers a high quality education in English for students from Preschool to Grade 8. The school is available for both expatriate and Tajik families. The curriculum includes English (Reading, Grammar, Composition, Spellin... Read More

Dushanbe, Tajikistan 
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