About The Bridge International School
The Bridge International School is a vibrant and challenging co-educational school that offers an exciting and engaging environment for students to learn and develop.
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More Info >6 Reviews of The Bridge International School
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Cameroonian (1)
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I have not been there but I enjoy pupils who comeout of the school.
Reviews from Google
Recent reviews posted on Google.
Rating: |
Maya Matthews, 4 years ago
The Bridge International School is just an year and a half old. Beautiful infrastructure and environment. Very dedicated management and so are the teaching and non teaching staffs. At The Bridge children are respected and taught to respect and be responsible as well.
Rating: |
Tido Depesquidou, 11 months ago
Pls can tell me if there's surveying trade in this school please I want to attend the school this upcoming year please my school has-been born down in bamenda