About Sankt Petri Schule
Sankt Petri Schule is a German-Danish school in the heart of Copenhagen, which lives and teaches both languages and cultures on an equal footing. We have a 450-year history, are the oldest German school abroad and have historically close relationships with the Danish royal family and the neighboring St. Petri church.
At the same time, we live in the middle of a modern, democratic society that is part of a common Europe. We are an international school that sees the diversity of the world as an opportunity.
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Find Out More >Curriculum
German, Danish
Primary Language
6 to 18
Max Class Size
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My sons have attended this school for 5 years and it's been brilliant
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More Info >4 Reviews of Sankt Petri Schule
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Reviewer Nationalities

Danish (1)
How would you rate Sankt Petri Schule?
Ambitious school, the german teachers can be quite strict and verbally abusive, while the danish teachers are more empathic - but our children have never experienced anything negative from other children. The level is especially high in the science and math, but lacking in creative topics (eg our boy was scolded for not doing his drawing "correct" - something that art is really NOT about. ) It would be nice if all topics except Danish were taught in German, but overall, we have never regretted the choice of this school.
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