About Nanjing Echo International School (NEIS)
Nanjing Echo International School (NEIS) is an International School for children of foreigners in Nanjing area. Founded in 2003, the school has been approved by the Education Department of Jiangsu province. It is the only international school in Nanjing that uses the American K-12 curriculum system. The school registered and located at No.12, Qianyuan Street, Hushu, Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. The school campus covers an area of over 30,000 m2. Foreign students are from Korea, United States, Canada, Pakistan, he Philippines, Egypt, Cameroon, Colombia and other countries. In-service foreign teachers are from United States, Korea, South Africa, New Zealand, Costa Rica, the Philippines and others. From 2018, the school was successfully selected to be the WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) accredited candidate school.
NEIS combines a variety of interdisciplinary American STEM+ART top-level courses with American popular theme knowledge games, so that every student can receive a comprehensive study of Chinese and Western cultures and grow up happily and healthily. In the past 16 years of schooling, it has been fruitful. Our school has a high quality of faculty, a strong cohort of students, and a good reputation for school operation! NEIS has a “Chinese Curriculum Class” for foreign students to strengthen and improve their learning of Chinese language and culture, and prepare them for applying to Chinese universities.
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More Info >2 Reviews of Nanjing Echo International School (NEIS)
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How would you rate Nanjing Echo International School (NEIS)?
Loving staff, great students
It was the best school in Nanjing. The teachers were amazing. It was like a family. We all cried when the school ended. A lot of families were disturbed because of their decision. The parents were happy to go to any length to keep the school afloat but due to covid and Chinese government policies, the school had to shut down. This school really worked from the bottom of their heart to give their best to all the children in this school. We will never forget NEIS and all the teachers there. They took care of all the children like family. Thank you! It was heartbreaking to let go of NEIS but we pray for each other.