About Montgomery International School (EIM)
Ecole Internationale Montgomery (EIM) is located in Brussels, a few hundred meters from the European Institutions and NATO, and less than 50 meters away from one of the city's major metro stations. The school's central location offers the possibility for students to come to school by public transport and for parents to drop off their children before going to work without making long detours. The school also offers a transport service for families who wish to use it.
The school welcomes students from 5 to 18 years of age and is accredited for all three International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP - grade 1-5), the Middle Years Programme (MYP - grade 6-10) and the Diploma Programme (DP grade 11-12).
Students have the opportunity, from an early age, to choose between an Anglophone and a bilingual French/English programme.
Our community of nearly 200 students is made up of over 40 different nationalities.
The school is based on many ethical values and we also develop a strong sense of solidarity within our international community, including activities where older students mentor and tutor our younger students.
Thanks to its central location, our students have the opportunity to experience the city of Brussels and benefit from modern indoor and outdoor infrastructures for sports, prestigious theaters where students perform every year and all other advantages that an exceptional city like Brussels offers. Numerous activities and cultural outings are organized such as visits to museums, exhibitions, scientific activities at the university, European institutions, school trips abroad, etc…
Several extracurricular activities are also offered, such as soccer, defence, piano, violin, dance...not to mention that all students can benefit from support every day after school.
L’École Internationale Montgomery (EIM) est située à Bruxelles, à quelques centaines de mètres des Institutions Européennes et de l’OTAN, et à moins de 50 mètres d’une des plus importantes stations de métro de la ville. La position centrale de l’école offre la possibilité aux élèves de venir à l’école avec les transports en commun et aux parents de déposer leurs enfants avant de se rendre au travail sans faire de grands détours. L’école offre également un service de bus scolaire pour les familles qui le désirent.
L’école accueille les élèves de 5 à 18 ans et est accréditée pour les trois programmes du Baccalauréat International IB : le Programme Primaire (PP grade 1-5), le Programme d'Étude Intermédiaire (PEI grade 6-10) et le Programme du Diplôme du Baccalauréat International (DP grade 11-12).
Les élèves ont la possibilité, dès leur plus jeune âge, de choisir entre un programme anglophone et bilingue français / anglais.
Notre communauté de près de 200 élèves est composée de plus de 40 nationalités différentes.
L’école repose sur de nombreuses valeurs éthiques et nous développons également au sein de notre communauté international une solidarité très soutenue entre autres par des activités à travers lesquelles les plus grands prennent en charge des élèves plus jeunes.
Grâce à sa position centrale, nos élèves ont la chance de pouvoir vivre la ville de Bruxelles et bénéficier de modernes infrastructures internes et externes pour le sport, de prestigieuses salles de théâtre où les élèves s’y exhibent chaque année et tout autre avantage que peut offrir une ville exceptionnelle comme Bruxelles. De nombreuses activités ludiques et sorties culturelles y sont organisées comme les visites de musées, expositions, activités scientifiques à l’université, institutions européennes, voyage scolaire à l’étranger…
Plusieurs activités extra scolaires sont également proposées, comme le football, le self-défense, le piano, le violon, la danse…sans compter que tous les élèves peuvent bénéficier d’un soutien scolaire chaque jour après les cours.
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Primary Language
5 to 18
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Megumi Palmer, 5 months ago
My son attended the school and graduated this year heading off to a whole new life in uni. It is all thanks to the dedication and support of the whole EIM team. I am really grateful, thank you!
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Jeffrey Calws, a year ago
My two children are at Ecole Internationale Montgomery and i don't regret it at all. There is a good teaching environment and I can see that my children are really carried by the teachers. Also a good point is the quality of the courses that EIM offers. We are happy of our choice
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Marco Giannuzzi, a year ago
I had to change school for my oldest son because of an issue he had in his previous school and I have to THANK the head of Department for his support and help to make my son feel completely at home in the new school. Apart for the "human side" I have to recognize the school 's method to make students learn is extremely good and updated. They have the possibility to understand, learn and put into practice. They also learn to work in a team, help each other and be pro-active so that they can grow up with a sold knowledge-based experience. Teachers are outstanding, ready to listen to parents' request and drive the students to unlock their potentialities! I am so happy of the new school that I will enroll my second one in there.
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Kinga Raszler, a year ago
Our two young lads study at the school’s primary section. We arrived here at the beginning of this school year after having realized that the regimented approach of a religious school wasn’t fit for our needs. To our utmost pleasure, the boys have been thriving in this new atmosphere. Even though the educational expectations appear to be equally high, there is something that has made a significant difference. It may be the small class size, attitude of positive feedback or incorporating acting in the curriculum - we aren’t really sure. But the improvement in the boys’ attitude is visible from outer space. A whole new ballgame! They have eased up their fight against homework too; it still exists but is less intense. Also, the boys never struggled with fitting in, not for a second. We were worried a bit as one of them is a very sensitive boy, a tad of an introvert, but they both took to it like a duck to water. The credit shall go to the school`s great and caring staff for creating an encouraging environment where learning is mixed with entertainment and fun. We highly recommend this school. The best part is the trial day. The kids can come for a day and see for themselves. We used that opportunity last year and bought it there and then - hook, line and sinker.
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Livia Vaduva, a year ago
We have 4 kinds and 3 of them have online schooling due to COVID-19 situation. EIM was the first one in our family that run smoothly from the beginning. Our 7 years old daughter was so happy to meet classmates and teachers online. All classes run perfectly, the reason why Theater and Sport has soon been added and here we are now with complete curricula online up and running. Thank you, Teachers!!! You are doing such an incredible and professional work! We as parents noticed your Full dedication, professionalism, humor and patience! We are now cherishing you even more. And understand how difficult it really is to stand by every kid to understand and do good in his work. Thank you, EIM! Fully recommend :)))