About Merchiston International School
Merchiston International School (MIS) in Shenzhen is the first overseas campus of Merchiston Castle School, a top-ranked independent school located in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK with a glorious history of over 188 years. MIS is the first and only international school in Shenzhen providing a British education and boarding system.
Located in Longhua District in the north of Shenzhen city, MIS provides an unparalleled space for teaching, learning and boarding experience. Impressive facilities include on-campus libraries, multimedia classrooms, integrated science laboratories, a black-box theatre, indoor swimming pool, fitness suite and tastefully decorated landscaped areas. The campus first opened in August 2018 providing the best education to boys and girls aged 4-18 (Early Years to Year 13). At MIS we are proud to be:
"Founded in Scotland, Established in China, Ready for the World"
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4 to 18
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The school quality is very poor and the teachers dont listen at all. dont come to this school, swimming pool has a lot of bugs, one lesson is 100rmb and they barely teach anything. Worst lunch food i've ever had in my life. if you dont want your child to get wasted then dont come to this school.
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