About Lycée Francais de Seoul
Lycée Français de Seoul is an institution whose teaching is fully approved by the French Ministry of Education. The programs are in accordance with the official instructions in all points, from the class of Small Kindergarten to Grade 12.
The Lycée Français de Seoul is part of the network of AEFE (Agency for French Education Abroad), agency under the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This network of more than 400 schools, unique in the world, is present in nearly 135 countries
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Primary Language
3 to 18
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More Info >6 Reviews of Lycée Francais de Seoul
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How would you rate Lycée Francais de Seoul?
Hello everyone, I hope you've been having a good day. As a former student of LFS for 3 years, I find that the education system is great , albeit that it may be a little strict and overwhelming at times, but that is the process that everyone should go through. The teachers are good, sometimes strict but that's the way to make the students complete their work. If you're looking to genuinely make your child improve their skills in French this is a great place to send them to. Compared to a lot of other schools, the facilties are good, with the school feeling spacious and having plenty of windows. One of the downsides are the food though, with it being repetitive and the quality of the food not being great, sometimes having hair inside. Overall, the benefits of LFS are that it's spacious, has authentic french education and teachers, and covers various topics in science, history, technology... etc. Thank you for taking the time to read through my review
My main problem : There are a lot of abusive teachers that prefer other students over some other students. Please don't let your child go in this school, Dulwich college school is much better for the education of your child.
It's great if you are used to studying in France.
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