About Dominican International School Taipei (DIS)
The Dominican International School is a private, English medium, Roman Catholic school in Taipei City, Taiwan, established in 1957. The Religious Missionaries of St. Dominic own and manage DIS. The school provides education for foreign students, regardless of race, color and creed, from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12, including Advanced Placement. DIS follows a modified American curriculum which includes Religious Studies, to prepare students for higher education abroad (mostly North American universities). The majority of the students is Asian, and speaks English as a second language. The school is coeducational. Classes are kept small, so that teachers can provide focused attention to students in a student-centered environment. DIS employs teachers from many different regions in Asia, North America, Europe, and South Africa.
100% of our graduates gain acceptance to four-year colleges and universities around the world, with our top students qualifying to attend some of the best schools in North America.
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More Info >6 Reviews of Dominican International School Taipei (DIS)
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Dominican International School Taipei, Taiwan (ROC) is one of the leading international schools in Taiwan that offers holistic and high-quality education. It is very much known for promoting D'TORCH (Dominicans are Truthful, Organized, Reflective, Courageous, and Helpful) values that permeate in all aspects of learning. This makes DIS different from any international schools around the region. Its vision-mission set the direction to achieve not only academic excellence but also total human development and character building. Accredited by the ACS WASC, it continues to embrace continuous improvement as it offers competitive and transformative education to more than 35 nationalities. St. Dominic de Guzman, pray for us!
Reviews from Google
Recent reviews posted on Google.
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- K, 8 months ago
One of the friendliest places I've ever been to. The atmosphere in the school is generally good and people are welcoming and kind. This school sets pretty high standards for its students, and has a solid curriculum that will prepare students for studies abroad pretty well.
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Gustl Betita Pido, 7 months ago
-One of the Best International School in Taiwan. -WASC Accredited by United State of America -Highly qualified teachers (Ph.D., Masters and License Teacher)
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Bing Racadio, a year ago
A WASC accredited school. A catholic international school that offers a modified American curriculum. One of Its main great points is that it has its own charism and a very diverse environment, which makes it very conducive for learning.
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Brian Wang, a year ago
Good school high quality, but some teachers are here for money.Think about it.