About Colegio Internacional Levante
Colegio Internacional Levante belongs to the SEK International Institution, a private educational institution with more than 125 years in the service of education, present in Europe, USA. and Latin America.
This school provides complete school education, from Infant to Bachelor. It has a modern and extensive quality infrastructure and trained personnel to attend the learning and development of their children.
Our mission is to transform our students into citizens of the world, in accordance with the highest academic and human standards, as we do in every SEK school around the world.
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More Info >6 Reviews of Colegio Internacional Levante
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How would you rate Colegio Internacional Levante?
I came here from Canada and I hate it. The school has terrible food in the cafeteria, poor playgrounds and the teachers are mean and teach stuff u would already know.
Best curriculum for international students
Reviews from Google
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Rating: |
Quique Vidal, 5 months ago
Estudié aquí y me alegra ver como el colegio mejora curso tras curso. Lo mejor es saber que algunos de mis queridos profesores como Alejandra, Inma, Aleth, Delmi, Luis o Jose Manuel siguen allí, un abrazo!
Rating: |
WangYang. Zhou., a year ago
Colegio privado precioso que imparten su programa enseñanza educativa hasta el bachillerato.