About Anglican International School Jerusalem (AISJ)
Anglican International School (AISJ) is an internationally accredited pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 (ages 2-18) school. It is dedicated to preparing students to succeed throughout the world, in schools, universities, future responsibilities and careers, and it is founded upon Christian beliefs and values.
AISJ stays true to its great historical Christian foundations in the knowledge that we are all made in the image of God Who created the universe and each individual. We believe that each child is precious in the sight of God, therefore we are committed to the advancement of education to children from all faiths and none, and every background to promote a culture of respectful coexistence. We have students from many ethnic backgrounds and cultures representing the world in every way.
AISJ offers a high standard of education from Nursery to Grade 12 (aged 2 – 18 years) authorised by the Baccalaureate Organisation and is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, USA. The Elementary School follows the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). The Secondary School follows the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP).
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Primary Language
2 to 18
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