International School Andalucía Reviews (14)

Average Ratings

Overall 4.18
Facilities 3.55
Academics 3.45
Teachers 4.00
Sports 2.73
Music & Arts 2.64
Science & Tech 3.73

Reviewer Nationalities

American (1) Australian (1) British (3) French (1) Spanish (5)

How would you rate International School Andalucía?

Sofia , 09/10/2023 @ 20:09:11
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Esta colegio era fantástica y mejoraba cada año. Ellos manejaron COVID bien y luego un nuevo director llegó y que han tenido un efecto perjudicial para el cole Los buenos profesores se han ido y han sido sustituidos por profesores sin experiencia o por profesores online, especialmente en matemáticas. Ahora deberían avergonzarse de lo que ofrecen por el dinero que cobran. También tienen un gran problema con el acoso escolar en el que los acosadores no tienen consecuencias y los niños acosados no son creídos. Si pudiera le daría una calificación de menos estrellas. Es seguro decir que mi hijo ha dejado y comenzó una nueva colegio con maestros eficaces que están en el edificio.

Rafael, 03/09/2021 @ 11:05:19
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

I don't recommend this school at all! Our child was bullied and came home with scratches and wounds several times. Each morning they dreaded going to school. The worst was the reaction of the school staff when we told them, they dismissed it as "children's things" and looked only for the school's own interests. We believe they feared annoying other parents and losing pupils (and their money!) by taking action. Even though the school has a bullying policy in place, it's all just a box-ticking exercise... just like many other things that look great on the surface, but when you look deeper, are not. Other comments about the school: - Some teachers are competent but overworked. - School dinners are a dreadful sight and they are mandatory. The school has been inspected several times for food safety. While they will tell you they are making improvements, do not believe them, it's a problem that has been going on for a long time. Of course, the menus look good on paper, but they don't match reality. - Old, run-down facilities and dirty common areas, especially toilets. - Ineffective leadership that mainly cared about 'looking good' in front of parents without making real changes.

Sam, 19/11/2020 @ 13:15:40
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

The costs are around 1000 per month. The food is extremely bad. They have 1 or 2 hours of PE a week and music classes are bad, they do not have instruments. A primary teacher had a bad with some friends so he does the guitar classes but you need to pay extra for them. Teachers are good but exhausted, academic results mediocre, not bad but not excellent either. It is an ok school for a year or 2 as expat.

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Cristina Cantos, a month ago

El mejor colegio inglés de la provincia. Profesores nativos altamente cualificados . Muy buenos resultados académicos. Pertenece a un grupo inversor internacional que posee colegios en todo el mundo y permite intercambio de sus alumnos con facilidad.

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Adam McCurry, 2 months ago

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René van Bavel, 4 months ago

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