Seoul Foreign School Reviews (10)

Average Ratings

Overall 3.60
Facilities 4.60
Academics 4.20
Teachers 4.20
Sports 4.00
Music & Arts 4.00
Science & Tech 3.80

Reviewer Nationalities

South Korean (1) American (3)

How would you rate Seoul Foreign School?

M , 27/06/2022 @ 02:44:05
Relationship   Teacher

Music & Arts

A school relying upon it laurels, and once a great reputation, slowly fading by poor financial decisions, disconnected leadership and a lack of vision. A mix of amazing teachers and very traditional ones, working to keep parents satisfied with grades, busy work and ivy league promises. A top heavy leadership structure, demonstrating the "too many cooks..." Idiom. They do a great job of hiring high quality teachers, however, provide very little development, coaching or incentives to continue to grow and developtheir skills. While some teachers are trying really hard to improve the student experience, there is little to no support of any new initiatives from leadership, and many teachers either give up and conform, or leave. Many students do a lot of their learning in hagwons, outside of school and just go to school for the grades and status. Student discipline, wellbeing, learning support and diversity is not a priority at this school.

Reviews from Google

Recent reviews posted on Google.

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P C, a year ago

Lots of schools say it but SFS really creates a nurturing environment for the students. The focus is on the complete child. Evidenced by a world class performing arts center/ theatre arts program and best in class sports facilities/ teams, the teaching goes beyond the classrooms. With over a hundred years of legacy in Seoul, it's history and prestige in Korea speaks for itself. There is a reason why this school is one of the oldest international schools in the world.

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Leeze Schonenberg, a year ago

This school has earned its elite reputation for a reason: it is the top school in the city and the country. This is for a reason: world class facilities, top-notch teachers, a fantastic student body, and a supportive parent community. The campus is inspiring; the moment you walk on you feel that things are happening and students are learning.

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Alexander Jensen, a year ago

Looks amazing! If I am posted to Seoul this will be the school I choose for my children. I can see why they have the reputation as the best school in Korea.

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Anne Lee, a year ago

Poor (or non-existent) student wellbeing support, ridiculous grade boundaries, a hyper-competitive environment--unhappiness abounds in Seoul Foreign High School. Students here regularly pull all-nighters, study instead of eating during lunch break, and eschew a social life just to survive academically. Not to mention the glut of incompetent teaching staff/university counsellors, as well as facilities that are only mediocre relative to the extortionate tuition fees. The only redeeming aspect of this school is that they hire qualified teachers on occasion. I have never attended a school that cared less about the welfare of their students.

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Ju-Hyuk Park, a year ago

This is not a foreign school at all. This is a school for mostly English speaking Korean students. Bad education quality over all. Kids are rude and too competitive. They don’t know how to work together since their parents teach them that way at home. Parents, especially Korean parents are a lot worse than students. Faculties are not good either.

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