International Christian School of Cascais Reviews (15)

Average Ratings

Overall 4.40
Facilities 4.10
Academics 4.60
Teachers 4.90
Sports 4.10
Music & Arts 4.00
Science & Tech 4.20

Reviewer Nationalities

Greek (1) South African (1) American (3) British (1) Brazilian (4)

How would you rate International Christian School of Cascais?

Tj, 17/04/2024 @ 17:18:47
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

The school has a homeschool curriculum. Teachers are mostly not qualified. All students pay different amounts depending on how rich they are. Administration doesn't know what they are doing. The administrator always lies to parents about the kids and about the teachers. She just wants to look good and be friends with parents, no real care for kids. The building and school supplies are not well kept. Money goes in their pockets instead of into the school and education of kids. Many parents think it’s wonderful because of the lies and stories she spins to look good. Do yourself a favor and go somewhere else.

Reviews from Google

Recent reviews posted on Google.

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Paola Giraldo, 2 years ago

my two cousins are studying in that school. I was visiting Portugal for two months over there and I had the opportunity two see and meet the people in that school. I love the staff and the atmosphere that school has. Everyone is kind, polite, generous, and most importantly they have a passion of teaching. I can't thank them in of for all the help they have given to my two cousins. Hopefully I will go back to Portugal to stop by and say hello because truly they are remarkable.

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p g, 2 years ago

my two nephews are studying there, less then a year ago I met the staff and school. The are heart warming people and the vibe in that place is not just a school, but a place where the teachers and students are pleased to learn and teach. Giving high values and morals that's the base of very school should have. thank you so much for all the support you guys give to my nephews.

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maria joao costa, 2 years ago

I was a teacher at this school and I can only testify to a unique experience. Each student is treated as a whole and the subjects taught are only a part of the academic curriculum. Love and respect are also incorporated throughout their education at ICSC. I found that there was a constant relationship between the families and the school. As a school teacher and missionary, I felt the added responsibility of setting an example for these extraordinary children. The staff treats the students as though they were family. I learned so much from these students as well as from the colleagues with whom I worked side by side. This is a strong team of teachers and administration. I thank God for allowing me this opportunity.

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Sarah Elizabeth, 2 years ago

Great and trusted establishment, I attended ICSC from my freshman year up until my senior year of high school and I am now fourtunate enough to be attending one of the best international universities in europe. ICSC has opened up so many great doors for me and the school community as a whole is something out of this world! It is also very important to bare in mind that ICSC is an international school, that can and will open up great doors for you internationally as long as you are also willing to put in the work! Loved my experience here x

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Stef Claro, 2 years ago

Was a student at the school. Mixed feelings about my experiences there. The teachers are great, the students are awesome, but the governing body of the "establishment" is shocking . 10th graders are taught the same work as a 12th grader, and good luck getting your child into a university in Portugal .. p.s: not going to happen. Your child will be rewarded with an unrecognizable deploma. Rather give me the money and I'll tutor your child.

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