Gyeonggi Suwon International School Reviews (8)

Average Ratings

Overall 3.53
Facilities 4.00
Academics 3.67
Teachers 3.00
Sports 3.67
Music & Arts 4.00
Science & Tech 3.33

Reviewer Nationalities

Russian (1) American (2)

How would you rate Gyeonggi Suwon International School?

Joseph Morgan , 30/08/2023 @ 01:32:39
Relationship   Ex Pupil

Music & Arts

If you are a parent considering putting your children though this school, I recommend you research more international schools near your home. Academics, sport, music/art is overall at mid level. Nothing above average. Facility is pretty good. However, there ARE teachers who are immature and who WILL abuse their power. Sad because there are great teachers who are supportive and they will be stained by the actions of those who do NOT deserve to be teachers. I've personally had experiences where teachers would abuse their power to humiliate, embarrass, or students. Ignorant teachers who would rather mock than help, weird teachers who will force their religion and viewpoints onto you. Yes, there are great teachers who will support and respect your child, but not a risk you should be willing to take. There are chances your child will end up in the hands of some immature teachers. HR department, please reconsider employees and don't hire everybody with a degree.

Reviews from Google

Recent reviews posted on Google.

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Gyoungmin [Matthew] Ahn, 2 months ago

Such a wonderful school filled with amazing opportunities and a school with amazing faculties. I definitely recommend everyone to come to GSIS and get a taste of the amazing quality education it offers.

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Seongwon [Peter] Rim, 3 months ago

They might not be good in the beginning. But trust me, they will get better.

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Thespian Club Troupe 8560, 2 months ago

Great school for drama.

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Hanjoo Bae, 11 months ago

A sweet and cosy school. Great drama dept.

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Flenvemi, 2 months ago

Review Made: May 23, 2019 This School can include some bossy kids although the education and studies are good many kids are ignorant and even in fact bossy, loud, or even toxic and play video games most of the time. the food here is great that because i gave the review for mostly the food and education, some people can get bullied which can make the students depressed and even may make me suicide! this school is not so decent and does not care for people who honestly fights with one popular kid then everyone gets mad and doesn't like that one specific person. And everytime the people who were there after you and bosses you around they don't care and gets more toxic. Their are people who are left alone and like ask them something they are like "you found it yourself" kinda type of response. But I suggest you look at United states school compared to this kind of international school friends can do better but education and food are great even staff and teacher are real friendly but the students are not the decent part. take a look at Jeffery Trail Middle School

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