About Stella’s School Brunei
Stella's School Brunei is a well-established private school founded in the 1970s. It encompasses nursery school to Primary 6. Curriculum includes Malay, English, History, Science & Geography.
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Find Out More >Curriculum
English, Malay
Primary Language
3 to 11
Max Class Size
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More Info >6 Reviews of Stella’s School Brunei
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How would you rate Stella’s School Brunei?
I was a student at Stella’s School, i had the best time studying there, teachers and students were really comfortable to talk with it was a very good experience for me
it is a good school right now i am year 6 pearl i've got a lot of trouble when i am little i am still a troublemaker i love the school its where you learn and make friends.. make Stella School a success!
Reviews from Google
Recent reviews posted on Google.
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SarahQuake, in the last week
I go to school here, it's the best school ever. I love the kind teachers and friends here!