About Warsaw Montessori Family
The Warsaw Montessori Family consists of branches of bilingual Montessori education at every stage of a child development; from infant and toddlers through Casa level (kindergarten) and elementary to high school. Our high school will welcome our first students in September 2018. Montessori education has been my passion and life for many years. Combined with a love of living in the closeness and nature, Montessori traditions and philosophy give me peace and a sense of security.
We teach our students to think for themselves and develop logical reasoning, research skills, and higher-order âformalâ thinking skills rather than having students memorize predigested concepts, theories, and information presented in lectures and textbooks.
Warsaw Montessori School is a place where we - teachers and guides - with passion and dedication follow children in their individual needs - in practice realizing the thought of Dr Maria Montessori: "follow the childâ.
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