Waldorf-Steiner El Til-ler School Barcelona
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3.2 from 7 reviews
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About Waldorf-Steiner El Til-ler School

The Waldorf-Steiner el Til·ler school is located in Bellaterra and its purpose is the education of children and young people following the principles of Waldorf pedagogy. Its historical journey began in 1999.

During this time, children and their families have been able to enjoy a pedagogy based on respect for the child and its development, with a careful observation of the adult that 'accompany your needs.

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7 Reviews of Waldorf-Steiner El Til-ler School

Average Ratings

Overall 3.20
Facilities 5.00
Academics 3.00
Teachers 3.00
Sports 3.00
Music & Arts 5.00
Science & Tech 3.00

Reviewer Nationalities

Romanian (1) Spanish (1)

How would you rate Waldorf-Steiner El Til-ler School?

Briseida, 24/02/2020 @ 11:21:03
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Hace tres años que mi hija está en esta escuela. Y estamos más que encantados. Tenemos confianza total en el equipo de maestros, es como dejarla con los abuelos, confianza total. Y están en continua formación El ambiente es relajado, con una mirada muy atenta y respetuosa sobre cada infante. El ambiente de familias es muy agradable, son muy colaboradoras y participativas. La linea pedagógica va muy acorde con el desarrollo cognitivo, social y biológica. Se trabaja mucho a través de las distintas expresiones artísticas: poesía, narración, pintura, costura, trabajo con madera, piedra, hierra, arcilla... También hacen horticultura, idiomas, música, orquestra, ... Para nosotros es la mejor escuela!

Ioan, 04/02/2020 @ 19:43:10
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

We've had our 3yo son enrolled in this school for 2 months, after which we decided to pull him because of: - Constant bullying from the older kids of his group, which went unnoticed and unaddressed by the 2 teachers even after we had a meeting to discuss this specific topic. - the sexual curiosity developed by one of the older kids which evolved into him touching our son's, and other children's private parts and then touching himself. While this could be considered a normal stage of development for a child, the fact that the school did not inform us of this happening along with that child's antecedents is far from what we see as a normal relationship with a private school. Even worse however was the fact that the school has been constantly trying to cover the incident up all while keeping the same problem child together with the younger kids of whom he could continue to take advantage of. All of this has caused severe trauma for our son, for which we had to seek psychological help in the end to recover. If you value your child's mental and physical help, do not enroll them at El Til.ler.

Reviews from Google

Recent reviews posted on Google.

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Marta Butjosa Roca, 5 months ago

És una escola fantástica. Hi porto els meus fills des de fa 10 anys i ha estat un encert.

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Joan Riera, a year ago

Una nova escola espectacular!

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Jorge Martin, 2 years ago

Es una escuela donde se potencian los talentos del individuo. Se fomenta la creatividad más que el saber por saber. La pedagogía impartida se basa en la Antroposofía cuyo filosofo creador es Rudolf Steiner. He apreciado que es una alternativa a la educación mejor que la escuela tradicional, en mi opinión.

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Pepe Aguilar, 2 months ago

Una escola on posen, segons la vanguardia en perill la salut general al defensar els antivacunes. A part el sistema educatiu es per fabricar nens tontos

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Carles Bart, 8 months ago

No sé com serà l'escola, no el seu programa, lo únic que se és que mentre esperem que surti la nostra filla de l'escola Ramon fuster, estem farts de veure, com els alumnes salten la tanca del carrer pedregar

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