About The International School Bangalore (TISB)
The breathtaking 140 acres of grounds and impressive facilities are obvious, but there is also a palpable feeling of ambition and sense of purpose among the students and staff you meet. In my 18 years of teaching and headships I have not come across a school that is so welcoming, academically focused and globally minded. The International School Bangalore (TISB) is certainly a unique co-educational day and boarding school and I am extremely proud to be leading it.
Our Chairman, Dr KP Gopalkrishna, continues to seek to deliver an inspirational and holistic education for all TISB students. As the school has grown over the last two decades, so too has the identity of TISB students. It is an identity built on intellectual development and curiosity, on independence and on the courage to be an individual. In short, TISB provides students with the capacity to be inspired to become the very best individual they can.
The curriculum at TISB is vibrant, demanding and progressive with the school becoming nationally and internationally renowned as a centre of excellence with examination results and college placements to be continually proud of.
Principle Dr Caroline PascoeCreativity flourishes through the drama, music and arts programmes and we have a reputation for competitive sport in many areas including cricket, basketball, tennis, athletics, squash and badminton to name a few.
Boarding lies at the heart of the school and is central to TISB’s identity. Our students are encouraged to see every day as an opportunity, a chance to develop and grow and a chance to ‘be the start of something’; their journey as a lifelong learner begins the very moment they start their journey at TISB.
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More Info >7 Reviews of The International School Bangalore (TISB)
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How would you rate The International School Bangalore (TISB)?
My children had a great time at the school. Academic rigor, teaching standards, college placements, we had a great experience overall. TISB has made my children's lives!
After a year and a half (which saw 2 primary years headmistresses leave, a swathe of teachers depart and a change of educational board, not to mention an appalling lack of care and education) we moved our children to another int school in Bangalore where things are finally back on track and they are significantly happier for it. As are we because we are not having to deal with at least one issue caused by the school a week. These included our children getting repetitively sick. In fact there were continual sickness outbreaks and very little care from the school in dealing with them. It ended up with parents having to go to the media to be heard by the school board and even then efforts were short-lived. There was also a monkey infestation that saw monkeys at desks, in the washrooms, drinking and eating the kids' snacks that were cleverly left out on outdoor tables. A lack of staffing meant kids were not adequately supervised whether not being served lunch (cue children piling their plates up with dessert) and not being adequately supervised in break times etc. Kids get just 10-15 minutes for lunch at TISB and thats if they aren't held back in class for doing extras that the teachers dont seem to be able to fit into their class timings. My children were having to eat on the way home, which wasn't so bad (poor boarders!) due to a ridiculous schedule that sees them leave school at the early time of 2.30pm. There is no play equipment for them, no games encouraged etc and the timetable is so heavily focused on maths and English that there is little else on it. Communication is very poor and so most parents have no idea what is going on with their children. It was only in the last few weeks at the school that we received newsletters every 2 weeks. There were no weekly class updates, you had to rely on school reports for seeing how your child was doing. Equally in the entire time there my children received 6 spelling tests and that is because i complained. There isn't any graduated reading or any reading aloud to check on levels, which is a pretty vital and standard practice in primary. School camp saw children being left in beds alone and sick for the day without parents being notified until far later (when having to go to hospital). A terrible lack of staffing that saw very young children arriving at school off the busses without a teacher in sight to manage them. Children are told to "forget it" when asking for maths concepts to be repeated, with teachers unable to write English properly despite the fact they are teaching it. Everyone seems to think its the best educationally (we were told this and its why we sent our children there). It's certainly one of the most expensive but don't be fooled as its their hugely competitive Senior School getting the grades. The primary years offering is woefully inadequate. As we have found out, there are far, far better schools to send your primary aged children to.
The board of this school only care about profit, school food is appalling, sickness bugs are rife, and the school does nothing. The board doesn’t want to engage with parents who want change. The board has even told the head to not engage with parent groups!
Reviews from Google
Recent reviews posted on Google.
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Ravi Kumar, 4 months ago
Best school,, but not providing a wash room to the drivers,, all drivers walking out fot the nature call...
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Ashish Reddy, 2 months ago
Happy to remove my child from this school. TISB schools atmosphere itself is very negative. It has a very bad influence on students. Children as young as age 7 use dirty language and listen to dirty songs. I don't know what the principal and teachers are doing. Students in my child's class were so disrespectful towards elders. They showed no respect for food nor for their own belongings( school stationary and books). They must be taught good manners first and foremost.
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Niranjan Satpathy, 2 months ago
We sent our child to write an exam conducted by ans international agency. The child who was writing the exam was carrying a valid ID card issued by Government of India. Someone in this school felt that the child carries a fake ID and returned him back and we have to do 2 to 4 hours of running around to prove the genuine ess of his ID. I was given a feeling , like many others who faced the same issue that some staff in this school have a higher position than the Government and the Supreme Court of India.They actually overrule the PMO Government Agencies and the apex court ofcountry in which they operate their school.