The English Montessori School (TEMS) Madrid
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3.0 from 18 reviews
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About The English Montessori School (TEMS)

The English Montessori School Madrid (TEMS) is a private co-educational British School in Spain, which caters to the educational needs of students of the Spanish and International communities in Madrid. The school is recognised by both the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture as a foreign British centre and by Great Britain as a British School in Spain. Children from the age of three to eighteen years of age are admitted to a complete and highly successful educational experience.

Though the majority of students are Spanish, numerous nationalities are represented in the student population. Traditionally The English Montessori School Madrid students rank among the best of the students throughout the Spanish and International schools in Madrid, on external exams taken by those students. Accordingly, all graduates of the senior school go on to higher education.

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18 Reviews of The English Montessori School (TEMS)

Average Ratings

Overall 3.03
Facilities 3.54
Academics 3.62
Teachers 3.69
Sports 3.31
Music & Arts 3.31
Science & Tech 3.85

Reviewer Nationalities

Irish (1) South African (1) British (3) Spanish (6) Syrian (1) Italian (1)

How would you rate The English Montessori School (TEMS)?

Jose Urticarte, 13/10/2022 @ 09:26:11
Relationship   Ex Pupil

Music & Arts

I think that this school is very bad, as it has some rules that are stupid, such as not being able to wear dangly earrings. This schools teaching system is also subpar, and in general I rate this school a 1 out of 5

Lily, 26/05/2022 @ 16:59:08
Relationship   Ex Pupil

Music & Arts

Great school! I loved it!

Tinto Mario Alejandro, 06/04/2022 @ 12:18:06
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

I think it's the best English School in Madrid. I love it, and I know my daughter is well while she's there.

Pablo Gracia, 08/03/2022 @ 13:48:50
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Educación británica de calidad, dotando a los niños desde sus inicios de una capacidad bilingue y desarrollo en todas las áreas importantes (especialmente matemáticas y lengua). De reacción muy rápida si el niño necesita ayuda en algún ámbito. Muy recomendable.

Alberto de Haro, 25/02/2022 @ 11:53:37
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Llevamos a nuestros tres hijos a este colegio desde hace más de 10 años y la experiencia no puede ser más buena. Ellos están felices, que al final es lo más importante, con muy buenos amigos y, en general, buenos profesores. He tenido la oportunidad de tratar con varios alumnos de bachillerato y puedo asegurar que son chavales muy maduros, con mucha empatía y autonomía.

Barnaby Harrod, 03/02/2022 @ 12:28:59
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

My son has been at the school for twelve years. The level of teaching has always been high quality and he has been very happy there. I would also like to comment that in these very difficult times, the school's response to the Covid Pandemic was exemplary. The school was very quick to respond to the Pandemic and was offering full classes online within an incredibly short time. Communication was always very fluid. As parents we were constantly informed of updates to the protocol and the school was very fast and flexible in dealing with a difficult situation. I really could not have asked for a better response from this school.

Marisa Schneider, 17/09/2021 @ 18:45:00
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

I had both my sons enrolled at this school. I was told that my youngest on day 3 (Reception) may have a developmental problem and I pulled him out two weeks in as they did not have staff "equipped to give him the attention he needed". He is now thriving at his new school and is a normal boy. My eldest was incessantly bullied (verbal and physical) by classmates, both at the school premises and cyber bullied. After dozens of e-mails and "meetings", there was a lot of talk and no apparent consequences for those perpetrating the acts of harm. This had a tremendous impact on his wellbeing and he had to attend various psychologist sessions. I transferred him to another school and he has adjusted well and is performing brilliantly both academically and socially. I wouldn't recommend this school at all.

John, 18/03/2021 @ 21:16:37
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Great school. Good teachers Excellent facilities

Juanjo, 21/02/2021 @ 18:53:01
Relationship   Pupil

Music & Arts

He sufrido cada día de clase. Desde que entre en la ESO no he vivido nada más que sufrimiento. Te venden un método el cual no aplican en ningún momento.

Älghbar, 26/09/2020 @ 00:36:34
Relationship   Ex Pupil

Music & Arts

Bad school overall, I was on it for only a term and we had to leave because it was THAT bad

Reviews from Google

Recent reviews posted on Google.

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Angie Flaquer C, 3 years ago

Small private british education school using MOntessori method. Very familiar

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MR DONLEVY, 4 months ago

Yo doy 5 estrellas porque guardo buen recuerdo ,forma parte de mi adolescencia , como colegio en mi época era buenísimo , profesorado de alto nivel, hoy en día, hoy por hoy no sé cómo estará llevado ,me ha sorprendido la puntuación negativa también es verdad que la dueña tuvo problemas y hubo un cambio muy grande en el colegio ,cambiaron el profesorado entero y es verdad que el colegio pego un bajón grande supongo de ahí la puntuación baja .

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Ignacio Albert, 6 months ago

I was a student of TEMS for the whole 15-year period (i.e.: Reception 1 to Year 13). After graduating, I have seen the school's values plummet through the firing of employees and absurd and strict rules. Do not be fooled by the reputation they claim... this is inherited from the previous Headmistress Elaine Fitzpatrick. The new board is confusing discipline with authoritarianism. It hurts me to say it, but if you are looking for a liberal and critical education for your children this is not the place to go anymore.

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Javier Alfonso Molina Bermejo, 6 months ago

Como ya han comentado otros alumnos, el nuevo equipo directivo del colegio ha destruido la filosofía y el bienhacer que había implementado la anterior directora, Elaine. Es decepcionante ver cómo el excelente colegio del que nos graduamos se va a pique por las decisiones tomadas por Cognita.

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Javier Lopez Garcia, 6 months ago

ES: Fui alumno de este colegio desde 1999 hasta 2013. Hasta hace poco lo hubiese recomendado al 100%, incluso para mis propios hijos. Sin embargo, desde que ha cambiado el equipo directivo y han sustituido a la antigua directora Elaine Fitzpatrick, los valores y la calidad de la educación que aquí se realizaba han quedado completamente comprometidos. La empresa que lo ha comprado se llama Cognita. Si siguen despidiendo personal se quedarán sin los excelentes profesores que tenían y en base a los cuales se ha labrado la reputación del colegio. Irónicamente, el comportamiento de la nueva empresa que lo lleva (Cognita) no representa los valores de la educadora que da nombre al colegio (Maria Montessori), si no de otra personalidad italiana cuyo apellido también empieza por M... Si continúan los despidos y las reglas absurdas de disciplina, los de Cognita van a tener que dar las clases ellos mismos. ******************************************************* EN: I was a student in this school from 1999 to 2013. Until not so long ago, I would certainly have recommended the school, even for my own children. However, due to the recent management team change, the values and quality of education has been severely compromised. The former headmistress was Elaine Fitzpatrick, but a new corporation called Cognita bought the school. If they keep firing staff, they will lose the outstanding teachers they had, and from which the school's reputation is founded. Ironically, Cognita's behavior is not representative of the pedagogue that names the school (Maria Montessori), but rather of another italian personality who's last name also start with M... If Cognita keeps up with the layoffs and with the absurd rules of discipline, they are going to have to teach class themselves.

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