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The British School of Tashkent (BST)
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4.4 from 5 reviews
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About The British School of Tashkent (BST)

The British School of Tashkent (BST) is one of the leading schools in Uzbekistan, providing an exceptional education to both expat and Uzbek children in Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form. At BST we ensure that every child achieves their potential and more. Through highly enjoyable and engaging learning experiences, pupils acquire the skills and knowledge set out in the English National Curriculum and also develop as their own individuals through a broad range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities.

All of our classroom teachers are UK-qualified and receive the latest CPD training to ensure quality standards are always exceptional. State-of-the-art technology, personalised learning and a range of resources are integrated into our curriculum and classrooms to ensure pupils are prepared for the future. Small class sizes and low student to teacher ratio at The British School of Tashkent means that students can receive the support they require to make excellent progress.

Pupils are encouraged to be inquisitive and to play a part in their own development, as well as being challenged and given the opportunity to discover their abilities. The British School of Tashkent staff work hard to create an environment where children enjoy learning and feel confident to participate, make mistakes and have fun.

As part of Nord Anglia, BST is a family of 79 international schools located in 31 countries around the world. As such, we educate students for a changing, global world through collaborations with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), The Julliard School and UNICEF. 

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5 Reviews of The British School of Tashkent (BST)

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Overall 4.40
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Recent reviews posted on Google.

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Muhammadali Mirzaev, a year ago

A great place to give your son or daughter to school

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UZ STAR, 7 months ago

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pb 65 wala, 11 months ago

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Turkan Turan, a month ago

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sm ms, 3 months ago

Nice school, everything is good, my son was studying in this school, he came a bit late this term so when he got his own report everything was horrible but he is very good at everything, When I looked at it, his culture in every subject was A but working grades were all Developing, Except French, my son was always complaining about French teacher Bruno Jimenez, he humiliated my son every lesson, so he put Emerging on his working grade, now my son wants to go to Korean and this is new cause for Bruno to humiliate my son. I think headteacher and other staff will answer or react on this comment. Especially Mr.Macolay I want fastest effect on new students, on their reports which are unfair. Thank u for reading this complaining comment! -John Smith

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