Thai-Singapore International School (TSIS) Bangkok
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4.0 from 7 reviews
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About Thai-Singapore International School (TSIS)

Thai–Singapore International School (TSIS) implements a comprehensive curriculum adopted and adapted from that of Singapore Ministry of Education to provide our students with quality education.

We nurture and develop students in the Moral, Intellectual, Physical, Social and Aesthetic domains over their formative years. The educational objectives of these five domains   (五育: 德, 智, 体, 群, 美)  are  achieved  through the best practices, from the east and the west, with a keen emphasis on Asian values and universal values in general.
21st Century Skills in a Global Economy

To ensure students are more engaged in the learning process, we aim to impart in them essential 21st century skills which encompass not only content knowledge, but also learning & innovation skills, communication & collaboration skills, information & technology literacy, and social & life skills.

Our students will not only be equipped with knowledge, but will also be taught to be respectful, responsible, uphold integrity and care for others while in school.  When face with challenges, able to exercise resilience in performing their duties.  We nurture our students to foster cordial relationships with others.

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7 Reviews of Thai-Singapore International School (TSIS)

Average Ratings

Overall 4.05
Facilities 4.50
Academics 5.00
Teachers 4.50
Sports 4.50
Music & Arts 4.00
Science & Tech 4.50

Reviewer Nationalities

Thai (1) Malaysian (1)

How would you rate Thai-Singapore International School (TSIS)?

Noah Yii, 07/11/2024 @ 02:19:06
Relationship   Pupil

Music & Arts

I have been going to Thai Singapore International School for my whole life. Most of the teachers are caring, and have taught me all I know. I have visited other, more expensive schools before, and I think that other than a few student luxuries, this school is sufficient. Good facilities, a lot of technology and good education system. Our sports teams are also very good

Reviews from Google

Recent reviews posted on Google.

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Michael Huang, 2 years ago

Fantastic school!! The facilities are good(swimming pool, music room, etc..) and the staffs are friendly, professional. Good place to choose.

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Will Smith, a year ago

Fine school.

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Arjay, a year ago

Most reviews that are from guides/parents are saying the school is amazing while the student are saying its bad. I am a ex-student and I think the school did an excellent job at teaching but other aspects really do need improving. The food was terrible when I studied there. They also barely teach students morals, like saying sorry or knowing how to forgive. Some teacher made mistakes that some student may remember for a long time and they won't even say sorry. Bullying is also very big here, it looks like the school have been trying to resolve it but they barely help or change anything. Overall, the school might kill you mentally but it is also giving you great knowledge, it is kinda like a double edge sword.

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Nerdyy 022, 11 months ago

This school has a good side and a bad side. The worst about this school is about the food and very little of sending kids to international competitions, kids will always find the competitions by themselves and tell the school. Then they recieve so-called certificate from school. But this school's academic is very outstanding and the rules are very strict following the singapore curriculum, the only thing wrong about the academic was when we moved to secondary, it changes the curriculum completely to a british curriculum which was a weak academic plan.

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Blank Screen, 11 months ago

They only show good sides to the parents... Kids who actually go there have not so good experiences....

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