About Taoyuan American School (TYAS)
There are many paths to the future. At Taoyuan American School we prepare our students in such a way that they may choose their path and be prepared to lead lives of profound intellectual, creative, and social consequence. We are a bridge. Our students begin here, their minds open and eager, their goals and aspirations for the future setting their course. It is our duty as educators and guides to cultivate within them the intellectual and emotional fortitude to take on the challenges ahead.
Our community bridges the traditions of the West with the spirit of the East. Our American-based educational program is augmented by a deep respect for learning, development, and achievement. Through our academic program, the rigor and discipline that we instill in our students, we have also become a bridge to the best American colleges and universities, and indeed colleges around the world. For many students we are a bridge to a more thoughtful and articulated future.
Bridging the development of students into engaged citizens and human beings is a rich and rewarding aspect of the Taoyuan American School experience.
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6 to 18
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