About St. Peter’s International School
St. Peter's International School is an international school that provides a competitive, high-quality response to the needs of a diverse population. Its fundamental principles are centered on the integral development of the child, valuing academic and professional success, based on attitudes, practices and values that contribute to the growth of the individual.
The St. Peter's International School mission is to build self-reliant, critical, creative students, who have the necessary skills and abilities to perform well at a personal, social and professional level, thus allowing them to pursue their studies, and actively integrate into a rapidly changing and increasingly globalized society.
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More Info >10 Reviews of St. Peter’s International School
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How would you rate St. Peter’s International School?
Very poor. This cannot be considered international. In 5th grade, we are learning the ABCs in english.
Positive aspects: Facilities Negative aspects: Several, from the quality of teaching which leaves a lot to be desired, since in 2 years my son who was in the 1st cycle (he only attended the 1st and 2nd year) had 3 teachers, 1 of whom had a shameful professional performance, to the fact that at the moment out of enormous dissatisfaction I have taken my children out of this institution and they are simply ignoring the reports I asked them to hand in at the new school where I enrolled my son. Cases of physical bullying (I have emails and photos of my son's condition)....It was an extremely negative experience. I do not recommend this institution.
Excellent facilities, Teachers and staff worry about the students, International environment. From 7th grade, you can choose international curriculum.
Top School The best
My kids went there for a year, they don't tell you that up until 9's grade the IB program doesn't start, which means school is in Portuguese... for an international school it is a problem they don't have a solution for. Academically they are not there as well, since my kids moved to a real international school, they had to catch up with the rest of the class. Music and art almost do not exist in school, as well as competitive sports. The main advantage they on the rest of the international schools have is the school fee which is very low in comparison to them.
Reviews from Google
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Luis Pinto, 5 months ago
Recomendo o melhor colégio para os nossos filhos sempre motivados para a escola, excelentes profissionais.
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Maria Sena, 3 years ago
Este colégio é um dos melhores colégios de Portugal pois se nós somos o que somos (bons alunos,educados,responsáveis e civilizados) devemos tudo ao ST.PETER´S SCHOOL. Lá eu aprendi o que é a vida, os professores ensinaram-me a viver,ensinaram-me a contar,a ler, a escrever, é a melhor escola de todas. Claro que tem defeitos como todas as escolas ,como por exemplo ,a comida porém está a melhorar aos poucos e poucos. Este ano tive de sair de lá com muita pena minha eu não queria mas quando for para o secundário irei voltar. Obrigada St. Peter´s és a melhor escola de todas.
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Marco Lima, 4 years ago
Aos que escrevem assim nos comentários, só podemos dizer que não foram felizes na passagem pela instituição. Tenham vergonha de falar sobre que aquilo que vos faz inveja e vos consume por dentro. Aprendam a ser competentes e eficientes! Talvez assim não sejam despedidos. Cobardes que se escondem num nome falso. Quanto à escola é simplesmente fantástica!!! Exigente, sim é verdade! Mas com um único objectivo, formar alunos capazes de enfrentar todos os desafios do mundo profissional. Caro, não! Preço justo pelo trabalho que fazem! Parabéns St. Peter's School!!!
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Irisis Santos, 5 years ago
Bom colegio esta bem localizado e giro por for e por dentro a comida do refeitorio e muito boa se bem que pode se levar o almoço para a escola dentro de uma maleta os professores consseguem controlar as criancas bem como os meninos do 1 ano 2 e 3 ja 4 ano nao e tão facil mas o resto So tenho uma coisa a dizer la a filhos e entiados