About St. Andrews Samakee International School
At St. Andrews Samakee International School we pride ourselves on being a unique international school due to our strong sense of community in which everyone’s name is known, and children collaborate and care for one another regardless of age. The self-confidence and academic grounding that our children develop here at St Andrews Samakee is the perfect platform from which to continue their educational journey into high school and beyond.
The best way to form an impression of a school is to see it in action. Please do come for a visit and you will see the children go about their work with a sense of joy, energy, commitment and wholesale enthusiasm!
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A school that can meet the needs of every individual child
A very friendly environment for both students and teachers
Kis has been such a wonderful experience for me and my son
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More Info >7 Reviews of St. Andrews Samakee International School
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How would you rate St. Andrews Samakee International School?
As a former pupil who has studied at the school for 11 years, I feel that the school provides a nurturing environment in which students feel safe and are able to learn to the best of our abilities, due to the high level of care provided by the teachers, which is made possible due to the relatively small class sizes, and the philosophy of the school which deeply encourages this, along with an openness between teachers and students which is able to exist due to the existence of a significantly lower professional barrier (e.g. teachers and students can often be seen conversing with one another, sometimes about sensitive topics such as politics or personal beliefs/values during break/lunch). This is something which may be lacking in other larger schools, where teachers and students may not interact so much outside of a classroom setting. This interaction allows students are able to able to form a personal connection with teachers which humanises teachers, transforming the consequences of not submitting an assignment or not giving the most effort into more than just a stern telling-off, but something which has disappointed a person for whom we care. Another core idea of the school is the idea that students learn best when they are happy, and this is something which has most definitely allowed my educational career at the school to flourish in a way in which it would not be able to anywhere else. Thanks to the focus on happiness, teachers always actively try to make lessons fun and engaging for students which allows for students to feel that we are cared for; that we are valued as individuals within the school community, and this is the main reason for which I love this school so very much: the fact that this is a community in which I feel valued. In the school, I do not only feel valued due to the attention which I receive in lessons however, but also due to a general sense of respect and courtesy which the school fosters from a young age and is therefore shared by an overwhelming number of students within the school community. This is also the case due to the fact that the school provides opportunities to everybody, rather than just a few who may be more talented. This has allowed me to take part in activities which I would otherwise have never dreamt of taking part in, and the fact that I can always be sure that I would not be made fun of were I to not succeed has encouraged me even further. Samakee is a great school and has given me so much happiness, self-confidence and knowledge during the eleven years which I have spent at the school and I have no doubts that the same would happen for any future students of the school.
My children have attended St Andrews Samakee for 3 years. They are happy to go to school, which is a key indicator for me. They are known as individuals and cared for and taught as individuals too. The farm is an amazing part of their school life which they are lucky to experience- this is not something you encounter at many international schools. The staff are really excellent - caring, knowledgeable and expert teachers. I couldn’t be happier with the school.
Fantastic schooling environment for my two children! Great leadership, teaching and vision throughout the school. My Children love it here.
I have been a teacher for 18 years both in the UK and Thailand. I have worked at Samakee for 10 years. I have two children who attend the school. It is the most amazing place to work and I am delighted that my children are receiving the opportunities and education that Samakee provides. Such an outstanding school with the whole child at the forefront of every decision. Some people deem that it is not as 'good' as other nearby schools as it is smaller and doesn't appear to have the expensive facilities but my experience is the opposite and children actually get more chance, for example, to swim, perform, compete etc than in bigger schools where only the elite are chosen.
Amazing school. Small, welcoming, high standards and so many opportunities for children including full farm and forest school.
Wonderful school where everyone is known and valued as an individual. Excellent academic and well-rounded education.
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