About St. James' Primary School
St. James’ Primary School Lisbon is a school for children from the ages of 6 to 10. It was created in response to the need for expansion of St. George’s School which has existed since 1960, in Cascais, and follows the same guidelines, policies and ethos.
We prepare children to continue their learning path in both the Portuguese and the English/International learning system at St George's School from Year 8 until Year 10 (ages 10 to 14). Good standards of discipline are maintained, supported by a system which promotes keenness and esprit-de-corps. Small classes ensure individual attention.
Pupils are taught in English and Portuguese by qualified staff, their time being divided equally between the two languages and curricula.
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Find Out More >Curriculum
English, Portuguese
Primary Language
6 to 10
Max Class Size
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Good staff, good teachers and a good environment
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More Info >9 Reviews of St. James' Primary School
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How would you rate St. James' Primary School?
Although our Bernardo recently joined St. James, I cannot help but give this school the highest praise. We visited a few schools before choosing St. James, but it was Bernardo who chose this school! When we visited for the first time, Bernardo felt right at home. I remember it was a gray and rainy day, but he kept saying: "I want to dance in the rain and stay here forever!". We didn't need much more to convince us, but when we met the school director, Mrs. Sofia Moniz, we were sure that we were making the right choice, this lady was born with a love for children and education. Now that Bernardo has started classes and I know the whole team, I can confirm that this school is everything we dreamed of for our son. Thank you all very much for your love and dedication to our children!
The school is truly amazing with the children and in a very caring environment. Fantastic school ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Incredible school! Great teachers and support system!!
The best school in world!
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