About SEK International School - Santa Isabel Madrid
SEK International School - Santa Isabel Madrid is part of SEK Educational Institution, founded in 1892. SEK combines leadership, pedagogical innovation and 125 years of history. The SEK Educational System is based on the acquisition of knowledge through the exploration of concepts, the inquiry and the development of skills that foster critical thinking and creativity. The SEK student incorporates all the strategies that allow him, throughout his life, to be autonomous, safe and able to learn independently.
The requirement of our educational system and a rigorous evaluation model for improvement, allows us to ensure the best academic performance of our students . The facilities of SEK-Santa Isabel are flexible spaces that allow the collaboration and teamwork of students and teachers, and integrate all the necessary resources for learning.
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More Info >9 Reviews of SEK International School - Santa Isabel Madrid
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I will be honest. I give two stars because of the last years we have experienced at this school. Early childhood is fine, but the further you go until the final stage of primary school, the teachers do not care about the well-being of the students, which is a fundamental part of an adolescence where children need educators who attend to their needs. Teachers must stop bullying behavior. It is a school that is based on image, they waste a lot of time on projects only for social networks and only choose their favorites to appear in photos and conferences. My son comes home and tells us the reality, his teacher is always in meetings and they have a substitute teacher who is doing his university internship and some days they do absolutely nothing. Physical education classes are 30km away at another SEK school, it doesn't make sense. Children spend more time on the bus than playing sports. The school claims to have many technological resources but 3D printers are for extracurricular activities, you pay extra for an activity that the school sells, lying that robotics is part of its curriculum. All textbooks and work are online and he spends 8 hours in front of a screen, often unsupervised on the Internet. My son tells us about the behavior of his classmates and the activities his classmates have access to and it is worrying as they view inappropriate content and even harass others online during school hours. The director seems incompetent. If you have a problem, she smiles at you blankly, her job is to make meaningless videos like a celebrity. The tutor is inaccessible and speaks incoherently, which confuses the parents, my son and his classmates.
Voy a ser sincero. Pongo dos estrellas por culpa de los últimos cursos que hemos vivido en este colegio. Infantil está bien, pero cuanto más se avanza hasta la etapa final de primaria, a los profesores no les importa el bienestar de los alumnos, que es una parte fundamental de una adolescencia donde niños necesitan educadores que atienden a sus necesidades.Los profesores deben poner fin al comportamiento de acoso. Es un colegio que se basa en la imagen, pierden mucho tiempo en proyectos solo para redes sociales y solo eligen sus favoritos para aparecer en fotos y conferencias. Mi hijo llega a casa y nos cuenta la realidad, su profe siempre está en reuniones y tienen un profesor suplente que está haciendo sus prácticas universitarias y algunos días no hacen absolutamente nada. Las clases de educación física están a 30km en otro colegio SEK, no tiene sentido. Los niños pasan más tiempo en el autocar que haciendo deporte. El colegio dice tener muchos recursos tecnológicos pero las impresoras 3D son para extraescolares, pagas extra por una actividad que vende el colegio, mintiendo que la robótica forma parte de su currículo. Todos los libros de texto y el trabajo están en línea y pasa 8 horas frente a una pantalla, muchas veces sin supervisión en Internet. Mi hijo nos cuenta sobre el comportamiento de sus compañeros y las actividades a la que tienen acceso sus compañeros y es preocupante ya que ven contenido inapropiado e incluso acosan a otros online durante el horario escolar. La directora parece una incompetente. Si tienes un problema, ella te sonríe sin comprender, su trabajo es hacer videos sin sentido como una celebridad. El tutor es inaccesible y habla de forma incoherente, lo que confunde a los padres, a mi hijo y sus compañeros.
If your child has any difficulty learning or needs a bit of extra support, this is not the school for you. My daughter ended up with severe anxiety when it came to certain subjects. Additionally, if you believe in project based or applied learning, you won’t find that here - evaluation is based on rote learning and weekly testing (even in grade 2!)
We chose SEK Santa Isabel because of their promotion of a balanced education including social and emotional intelligence. We were sorely disappointed with their lack of compassion and support in transitioning the children from a different school and culture (Hong Kong); there seemed to be a complete lack of understanding of the issues involved in an international relocation both for children and parents. We had hoped for a smooth transition; however, after 5 weeks we pulled both children from the school because the experience was so horrible. After enrollment fee's, textbooks, uniforms and tuition fees, it was a very expensive - financially and emotionally - and unwelcome experience.
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Amparo Suarez, a year ago
Estudie a finales de los años 60, recuerdo entrar por el patio y salir por un portal a la calle , e hice la primera comunion con mis compsñeras del colegio en el año 71,me gustaria saber si existe algun tipo de archivo de esa epoca.
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Juan José Cano, a year ago
Estuve en ese colegio desde preescolar hasta COU en los 80 y 90 y solo tengo buenos recuerdos y mantengo grandes amigos.
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Laurelle B, a year ago
Pathetic tour of school. Foreign teacher focused on school fees instead of presenting the school, even though we had received all documentation ahead of the interview (and shared this), he insisted on detailing the fees for 10 minutes of the interview - which was ridiculous! He was also arrogant, unprepared and rude. For a supposed "prestigious" academy this was a terrible view to potential clients and not a comforting place you'd want your child involved in. The foreign teachers were also unenthusiastic when teaching students and classrooms were a tight fit. All in all i felt incredibly uncomfortable thinking about leaving my child in that environment. It was also sad that classes were taught in 100% English for a school based in Madrid, Spain. The focus on the uniform, school fees and the cafeteria seemed more prevalent instead of education, language or overall happiness of the students.
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Pablo Rodriguez, 8 months ago
El peor colegio de Madrid, piensan más en el dinero que en la calidad de la educación.