Reach British School (RBS) Abu Dhabi
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2.5 from 10 reviews
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About Reach British School (RBS)

Reach British School (RBS) is a co-educational international British school in Abu Dhabi delivering the National Curriculum for England, which is student-centred and challenges students to excel academically, emotionally and socially. We also benefit from being part of a growing number of schools worldwide owned by the International Schools Partnership. We pride ourselves on our experienced and passionate staff.

All our teachers are native English speakers, working alongside our specialist teachers who deliver the Ministry of Education’s Arabic, Islamic and Social Studies curriculum. Investing in children is the key to our success, and the future is bright for Reach British School.  We are looking forward to fulfilling and inspiring times ahead.

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10 Reviews of Reach British School (RBS)

Average Ratings

Overall 2.50
Facilities 2.80
Academics 2.40
Teachers 2.20
Sports 2.20
Music & Arts 1.80
Science & Tech 2.00

Reviewer Nationalities

American (1) Indian (2) Emirian (2)

How would you rate Reach British School (RBS)?

Rahab, 06/09/2023 @ 14:52:31
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Very good school, the academic level is excellent. The communication is very active and easy with any level from the principal to the teachers and other admin staff.

Tawshika Johnson, 30/08/2023 @ 12:08:05
Relationship   Other

Music & Arts

They do not offer AI or AI related subjects or ECAs A levels options are very very limited No teacher-student interaction. No social life or friendly community amongst students, except if you belong to some friend group. No fun activities like for e.g, rbs idol/talent show or fun competitions. Students don't get to compete with other students or do intra-school competitions, well except in football and sports, which very few are interested in. No dance class, music class, drama class. Extracurriculars are very limited and only apply to primary n middle school students. Teachers have favourites! In general, primary school seems okay but the secondary really needs a lot of improvement

Angello, 26/06/2023 @ 14:05:24
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Very disappointed in the way the management of the school addresses concerns raised by parents. Our child was bullied but when raised the issue they were defending their teachers. They started pointing fingers at the child instead.

Kate, 15/06/2023 @ 12:51:27
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Foremost, no importance given for mental health. Non supportive staff when if come to bullying and teasing. Children's valuable time spent on games and YouTube. Teachers speak Arabic in class even when addressing non Arabs. Constant issues since teachers are not addressing them properly. The poor children have to face the brunt for the teachers mistakes. Parents are not given respect and treated well, they will out right embarrass you if you bring up any issues. They don't want to address them. Many good teachers have left the school, a hand full of good ones left. Speak to your child everyday to find out what's going on if you want them to be mentally fine at this school.

Ahmad abdulla , 29/03/2022 @ 20:55:14
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Academically very poor school especially the secondary department . (Abu Dhabi)

Reviews from Google

Recent reviews posted on Google.

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tito michael, a year ago

I would recommend this school they make your kids learning fun and they have such nice facilities and activities but the teachers are ok some aren't

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Humera Kazmi, a year ago

I am in love with this school. I have been associated with this school for 2 years now and planning more years with them. The school is very good, the management is very very approachable, all teachers are native speakers and have excellent approach to every single kid in the class. The facilities are good and the best part is; the school is growing and improving each day. The school's, dean's, and teacher's door are always open to every parent. Any kind of parent requests are best handled. The clubs are offered, school infotainment visits are there and other interesting activities are planned for kids. I think if you want a school which is very very good in all the aspects, RBS is surely a choice.

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Detective Stupid, 4 months ago

It’s not good neither bad buts is great

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xvio.76 Just saying the truth, 5 months ago

Umm hey I might seem like 3 yr old saying this but I want to be honest that rbs is not the ideal school for secondary it is for primary because they have every equipment and need they need unlike secondary we have to ask for what we want and we would usually get ignored and I don’t think secondary deserves that even in national day my beloved country’s day they had the primary have the whole day to celebrate and the secondary have the last 30 mins especially after the playground got completely ruined by the kids there was nothing left no music no teachers it was horrible we asked for lockers to make life easier but we got ignored and we had many teachers who were amazing but are leaving but the head of secondary is a total mess cuz he’s says he’s this and that when he actually doesn’t do anything and a matter fact math was my favorite subject but since I have got to year 9 my life was completely ruined there is no system to follow boys are always treated better then girl and what I mean is they expect more then we can cuz we girls and expect less from the boys cuz there boys especially in exams and there were boys smoking in the school which was not a good influence for the younger generation we had to ask for trips we were promised with a lot of things but none of we’re actually done not to mention how many time they have to change teachers and students can’t settle down and try get one teacher at year but there are some foods almost of the teachers are truly amazing like ms Karen ms fiona ms feenagh ms Yolanda and one of my favorites were mr Adam always and forever in are hearts and we had labs and we used them every week which was good but the timetable was to long it was like 90 mins each lesson but like the last thirty mins were like students gazing and thinking what they’ll do abt there holiday mathletics wasn’t helpful at all we got units the we never studied YouTube weren’t enough but I don’t recommend any secondary student to attend to rbs but primary is like the dream school

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what what, 6 months ago

I know i just seem like some kid who gave the school 1 star as he hates having to wake up and go to school everyday but just hear me out. Ignore the other reviews as they are all probably parents of children in primary school. Once you reach high school (year 10, year 11) just run from this school as fast as you can. I completed a year here in year 10 and it was a TOTAL waste of my time, The teachers are incompetent, the students are undisciplined and always just talk over the teacher making it nearly impossible for you to learn anything. If you want to just barely scrape by and at most pass the igcse then go ahead and stay in this school but if you want to actually score a high grade and have a future then avoid this school. Also, to put the cherry on top of the cake the igcse courses do not match up with any half decent british schools so if you wish to move to another school you will have to repeat the entire year so in order to move to the British international school ill have to repeat the year making this school a TOTAL waste of my time.

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