About Prime School Estoril
Prime School Estoril is part of the Prime School group.
Prime School is a leading International group of schools with roots in the Cambridge international curriculum, which currently has four schools for students from ages 3 to 18, in Lisbon, Estoril and Sintra, and now offering the American curriculum of the state of New York as an additional option. Over 600 students from more than 50 countries attend our schools.
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English, American
Primary Language
3 to 18
Max Class Size
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Good staff, good teachers and a good environment
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More Info >4 Reviews of Prime School Estoril
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How would you rate Prime School Estoril?
Excelente projecto que assegura o futuro de qualquer estudante. Profissionais de 5* em todos os departamentos. Trabalho de equipa que engloba a família.
Prime School is a great School!
I was a student at prime school and loved it. Me and my brothers are very grateful for this institution. Today I am a Psychologist and Prime School helped me to achieve my goal. I left prime school very prepared for university. Thank you to all my teachers and the board of directors.
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