About Ningbo HD School
Established in September 2014, Ningbo HD School is a private experimental school with a global vision for the future. HD Ningbo provides a comprehensive and bilingual solution for Chinese families who seek an authentic international education. Blending the best of western educational pedagogy with Chinese curriculum, HD Ningbo provides students with a comprehensive and balanced learning experience, where tradition meets creativity and east meets west.
Rooted in traditional Chinese culture, HD Ningbo develops students who are advocates of Chinese culture. When in our care, they are exposed to innovative educational concepts, develop their understanding of other cultures around the world and begin the journey of becoming truly global citizens.
HD Ningbo serves students from Kindergarten through to Year 12. Each homeroom is supported by one national teacher and one international teacher, all Kindergarten and Primary classes benefit from a bilingual learning facilitator as part of our “Tight Three” model of class management, unique to HD Schools.
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More Info >6 Reviews of Ningbo HD School
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How would you rate Ningbo HD School?
The school had huge turnover in administration as well as a change in direction that did not place the English aspect of the school on par with the Chinese aspect of the school. The foreign teachers are a unique collection, some competent, some abhorrent. The worse the teacher the longer the tenure they had. Facilities are incredible, the local staff was awesome to work with most of the time. The students are pretty awesome. The parents can be tough, but this is an elite private school and you should know that parents are going to be actively involved and sometimes judgmental, but still way better than parents in the USA.
This is the most horrendous school I have ever worked in. Firstly, the school does not pay your social insurance, which is HIGHLY illegal in China and can get you in a lot of trouble which the school will not support you with. This means you don't reap a significant portions of the benefits of working in China. Secondly, the school bears no resemblance to an international school whatsoever. They try to live behind the banner of 'Hurtwood House' to attract in teachers, but once you're there, you realise its just a Draconian Chinese school. Thirdly, most the staff are unqualified, and the ones who echo the mission of bowing down to parents will be the ones who get promoted. And finally, the management is abysmal. The school doesn't care about its staff, only about its image. But the school's is withering away slowly but surely along with the school itself. Eventually it will be shut down. Avoid this place at all costs.
The school name combined with its website are meant to portray itself as an international school, but this is strictly a Chinese school answering to the Chinese education board. It was established to cater to the super rich Chinese families in Ningbo. Therefore, the students are very spoiled and ill-mannered while these behaviors go uncorrected because the parents seem to have an enormous clout on the school admin. It operated more like a daycare center for the nouveau-rich communist Chinese.
The worst working experience ever. Absolutely no freedom given to teachers, an insane amount of micromanagement and everything is just done for image and money. It's a complete parent run school.
Completely a parent run school. They treat teachers very badly. Everything is just done for show. The most micro management I have ever seen in a school. Management will use any excuse to fire teachers
Very draconian, micromanagement at every level. They WILL fire because of small parent complaints or find some reasons to fire you if there are no valid reasons. Run by parents-it’s almost scary how much parents control have over this school (expect a lot of parent complaints and for small little things too). A ridiculous amount of busy work. Things are done just for image and impressing parents rather than trying to improve the students’ classroom experience