About Lisbon Montessori School (LMS)
Lisbon Montessori School (LMS) fosters a partly bilingual environment. Our language of instruction is English but classroom assistants speak with students in Portuguese. We follow the AMI school of thought within the Montessori philosophy. Lisbon Montessori School works to create an environment where children will feel safe, able, trustworthy, appreciated, and encouraged to focus deeply on their activities.
Dr. Montessori believed that patterns of concentration and exactness established in early childhood also produce a confident and competent learner in later years. Mixed age is an important factor of the Montessori classroom. This provides children with possibilities to discover ways of functioning in a real social group. In addition, a great deal of knowledge reinforcement results from this interaction of different aged children.
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More Info >9 Reviews of Lisbon Montessori School (LMS)
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How would you rate Lisbon Montessori School (LMS)?
Our 2 children attend the LMS. We are very happy with the family feeling of a second home for our kids and super friendly Montessori community vibes we have in the LMS school, it is very different from traditional education system project that was created with love and care.
Our experience with our two daughters at LMS has been wonderful! We feel lucky to be a part of this amazing, very international and inclusive community. The teachers are caring, loving, creative and giving so much… The environment is beautiful. There is enough place for the kids to play outside in nature, a backyard to have lunch in the shade, a garden to grow veggies and strawberries. The classrooms are beautifully equipped. I love how much at home the children feel when at school. They learn how to manage their time and work with enthusiasm and motivated by their personal interests. Love the project work they do individually and in groups with presentations in front of the whole school/class. How much they learn by reading, writing in their own words and presenting their topic of interest! Theatre, poems’ recitals and going out in small and big groups… The progress both our girls have had academically and socially is incredible. The quality of the education is very high. Every time I see the children work at school I wish I had an opportunity to attend a school like this when I was a child. The director is passionate about the method and the school is certainly not just a business like many school around. You rarely find such devoted professionals in education or any other fields, LMS are dedicated to the idea, living their dream and making this world a better place. I don’t have enough characters in this review field to mention everything our girls are excited and happy about. We are grateful to the amazing teachers, director and all the caring staff.
The school paraded a very experienced teacher upon registration only to announce that teacher will not be teaching 1 week before school starts, the replacement was inexperienced compared to the first teacher. The teachers should be named "supervisors" as no teaching goes on. The whole year my son was playing with a butterfly puzzle (6 pieces) and the facilities outdoor are boring and minimal, while everything is sitting on a pile of sand, I could have created a large sand castle with the amount of sand I had to empty from my son's shoes each day. The school had 1 or 2 field trips, they did no group activities, no learning songs, painting, etc. no activities in general, my son never brought anything he had worked on at school. I believe they understood Montessori as being lazy and leaving the kids be. The owner/manager suddenly became a teacher too, as she is ONLY about saving costs. The staff are always talking about how tired they are, you can see zero enthusiasm in their face, they just want to go home and rest. The school is always asking parents to pay or bring everything when they did want to run an event. Finally the school ended with a "party" that turned out to be 50% bragging about themselves and their wonderful success (give me a break), and the other 50% was congratulating 1 single student for being the first person to make it through the whole school from start to end. It was embarrassing both for the child and for us, teachers spoke about what an amazing student he is, other kids danced around him, and then he came and talked about this "amazing" school. It was horrific. Not a single word about our children or even their class. Now the new school my son is attending is asking us to get him an OT because he is behind, and it makes sense, he wasn't taught anything. I would call this place a daycare more than a "school". Don't make our mistake.
Reply from Lisbon Montessori School (LMS), 07/03/2024 @ 17:29:51
Dear HJ, We are sorry your teacher was forced to stay home for a difficult pregnancy. Her replacement was AMI-trained and certified, as are all our guides. Parents who attend our frequent workshops or read our FAQs know that Montessori teachers do not showcase students’ work. Preschoolers don't bring work home, because in Montessori, we use hands-on materials to help them develop their gross and fine-motor skills to laying a solid foundation for their intelligence and imagination to take flight. Field trips are not a significant feature of a Montessori preschool level, many Montessori schools do not conduct field trips at the preschool level. Sand is a creative medium for preschoolers, perhaps children can be asked to empty their shoes before entering the car. I, like most Montessori administrators, teach in the classroom because we are passionate about Montessori education. You described the Montessori teacher as a ‘supervisor’ (we call them Guides). A guide's task is to foster active learning, not regimental learning. As Dr. Maria Montessori explained, "The teacher's ideal is to be able to say, the children are working as if I did not exist.” This is far more work than you can imagine. We wish you could have investigated the Montessori method before sending your child to a school that would not meet your expectations. Having said that, we are sorry that you had such a negative experience and hope your son does well in his new endeavor.Adorei a escola! O meu filho esteve lá 3 anos e ainda hoje fala da escola. Ensino, pessoal, actividades. Uma verdadeira escola Montessori
It's a beautiful growing school, with dedicated, engaged and committed teachers. The kids are thrive.
LMS teachers build individual relationships with each student based on love and trust. My daughter loves her school because she feels respected and empowered by the independence that is fostered in her environment.
It feels so good to be able to provide the environment where my child grows in confidence and enjoys every moment of self-reliance that this method demands from her.
I could not recommend a school more than I recommend Lisbon Montessori!
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