About John F. Kennedy School Berlin (JFKS)
John F. Kennedy School is one of the most sought-after and renowned schools in Berlin. Consistently high standards and the respective results ensure that we receive applications from all over the world every day.
The school’s bicultural, bilingual program is up-to-date and future-oriented. It is also a guarantee for the partnership between the United States of America and Germany with its very special, historically founded meaning for Berlin. The John F. Kennedy School considers it its educational mandate to develop the student’s entire personality.
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Find Out More >Curriculum
American, German
Primary Language
6 to 18
Max Class Size
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BBIS is a dynamic school that caters for all students in a highly personalised manner.
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More Info >9 Reviews of John F. Kennedy School Berlin (JFKS)
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How would you rate John F. Kennedy School Berlin (JFKS)?
it's a good school has the right facilities and staff great for learning German and other languages I do want to address that there is some bullying and is not treated appropriately I left in at the end of 6th grade to move back to the us and I do miss the academics in this school, the bathrooms sometimes had a problem and the cafeteria food is mid had to pack everyday.
Great Community. Very International. Very difficult school to get into and feel lucky and privileged that all kids are at the school.
It is great school the amount of stuff that this public school has is awesome for kids.I know that it has a reputation of bullying but I have four kids and non of them have ever been bullied.
Sending my children to JFKS was one of the worst decisions I've ever made for my them. They were bullied and nobody did anything. The information flow is less than 0. One child had to repeat the school year and didn't know about until looking at the report card on the last day of school before summer vacation. That was psychologically really bad. By law (Berliner Schulgesetz) the school is required to inform the parents by mail early enough that the student has the opportunity to get a better grade. They never did. Same scenario right before graduation. Three days before the ceremony the school didn't inform us if my teenager passed or not (told us in January that there is a failing grade). I can go on and on and on but I won't. Think twice before sending your kid there. And beware of the easy access to "cookies".
Elementary students develop responsibility and independence from third grade. There are high expectations placed on students and the faculty is communicative. One disappointment, though, is that students aren’t taught in German for more than German language hours. It’s not an immersive experience for English speakers.
Was there for quite a long time... Most of my teachers didn't tell me I was failing, there is not much support and very high expectations. A lot of negativity too. Would definitely not recommend to anyone who is more sensitive or can't handle stress well. This was just my experience, it may be different for others...
Reviews from Google
Recent reviews posted on Google.
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Oliver Goullée, 4 months ago
Our son is very happy with his teachers and classmates. Many nice parents and great activities.
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Bored Boring, 4 years ago
Eine sehr fördernde Schule, welche aber trotzdem den Alltag unterstützt.