About International School of Los Angeles
The International School of Los Angeles was established in 1978 as a non-profit organization by visionaries of varied cultural backgrounds who felt that the Los Angeles community needed a school which would prepare children for life in an increasingly international environment. Our school is now recognized as one of the most academically challenging private high schools in the United States and continues its long commitment to academic excellence.
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More Info >5 Reviews of International School of Los Angeles
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American (1)
How would you rate International School of Los Angeles?
No data for academic achievement. The students don't take CA state exams, so there's no way to compare them to their American peers studying in American schools in the country. Poor selection of teachers. The names of the teachers are not made public like in all other schools. I just wonder why they keep the teachers so private, parents need to know the credentials of the people who they will trust their kids to. It's suspicious they keep the teachers 'a secret" from the parents especially after recent scandals with one of their male teachers and the inappropriate student-teacher relationship allegations that were completely dismissed by the school administration. Huge promotion of LGBTQ. There are plenty of books in the library promoting same sex relationships and there are LGBTQ flags in every corner at the Burbank campus. The head of the School is a member of the LGBTQ community and is going above and beyond at promoting the community he belongs to.
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