About International School of Brno
International School of Brno aims to provide all kindergarten to Year 13 students from all over the world with the necessary tools to become committed, lifelong learners and responsible, engaged citizens of the world.
Small class sizes ensure that each student has a voice while our comprehensive and engaging curriculum ensures that all students are able to create their own path towards achieving their own personal and academic goals.
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3 to 16
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More Info >11 Reviews of International School of Brno
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How would you rate International School of Brno?
The best teachers and the best approach to children!
ISB is definately a kind of school helping to grow individual potential of each students. Responsiblity factor is pretty high and the difference to other high schools is remarkable. Stress of students is minimised with system of positive motivation.
Certainly! Here's a shorter version: Our family has been part of the International School of Brno (ISB) for several years, and we couldn't be happier. My daughter, who started at age 3, has thrived in the nurturing environment provided by the dedicated teachers. The International Baccalaureate (IB) program is exceptional, fostering critical thinking, a love of learning, and a global perspective that prepares children for the future. We appreciate how ISB emphasizes not just academics, but also personal growth, compassion, and cultural understanding. We are excited for our son to join soon and experience the same wonderful benefits.
Naše děti navštěvují školku a zatím jsme velmi spokojeni. Prostory školky jsou velké a dobře vybavené, obzvlášť pozitivně hodnotíme učitele a pomocný personál. Největší přínos školky je samozřejmě angličtina, která je u dětí už po roce školky na překvapivě dobré úrovni.
The teachers teach the students enthusiastically. Regarding concert, I think the children would enjoy the concert more if they practiced a bit more and put on a higher quality performance. The toilets in kindergartens should be cleaned carefully.
It is a school still growing with a lot of potential and it will be even better in the near future. Very nice environment for kids. Together with teachers and parents it is like a big family.
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Zdenek Cejka, 5 months ago
Excellent international school for anyone who wants to grow up in their professional lives
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Ivona Řeháková, 5 months ago
Syn nastoupil na tuto školu před 4 lety, a dnes jsem velice ráda, že jsme tento krok udělali. ISOB vede studenty k samostatnosti a pečlivosti a IB program je připraví pro možné budoucí studium na světových univerzitách- syn je nyní předběžně přijat na 3 univerzity v Anglii a jednu v Kanadě. Na škole vládne velmi přátelská a vstřícná atmosféra. Pokud přemýšlíte nad touto školou, nemusíte čekat na dny otevřených dveří a domluvte si schůzku kdykoliv, vaše děti to jistě ocení.