About International school of Astana (ISA)
In 2013 International school of Astana (ISA) opened its doors to pupils for the first time. There were 4 grades and 10 teachers at the time of opening of the school.
In the 2014 - 2015 academic years, the school grew to 20 sets of classes with 400 students. In the same year a kindergarten was opened.
Since September 2016 students from 1st to 8th grades began to study with 45 classrooms
On the 1st September 2016 the new building of the ISA was opened.
The school is located at the intersection of streets Orynbor and Hussein Ben Talal. It is designed for 900 students and consists of 45 classes in 9 blocks. The school has a library with separate reading rooms, sports and training halls, study robotics and a pottery room/ There is a studio and a recording room. The school also has modern science labs and botany experiments. The library is designed in a modern style and it is a key center of the school building.
There is also a studio equipment for training in musical and theatrical clubs that are very popular in the school and there is a performance theatre that you can use as a lecture hall.
International School of Astana (ISA) is accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The school aims to obtain authorization on three programs of the International Baccalaureate Organization. Currently, the school has the status of "Candidate School for International Baccalaureate" PYP Primary School program.
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