About Hinkson Christian Academy (HCA)
Hinkson Christian Academy (HCA) is an English language elementary and secondary school located in Moscow, Russia. For over 20 years, Hinkson has served the needs of expat and local families who desire their children to receive a quality English-language education that is informed by a Christian worldview, and values Christian character principles.
Hinkson Christian Academy is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International, whose accreditation is recognized worldwide.
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Primary Language
4 to 18
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More Info >8 Reviews of Hinkson Christian Academy (HCA)
Average Ratings
Reviewer Nationalities
American (3)
How would you rate Hinkson Christian Academy (HCA)?
The school is unusually cozy: kids don’t want to go home in the end of the day! Differentiated individualized approach and lots of learning support trained staff for a school this size. Good set of enrichment classes. Great musical curriculum K-12. Awesome theater and movie-making course professionals. Nice production every semester, many sport events. Huge chess and basketball society. Cultural events outside the school in town.
Staff is very focused on needs of students and helping them get a deeper understanding of Christian principles. Facility is well kept and a sports facility has been just added on, making it very suitable for sports activities.
The best part of HCA is the teachers. Our teachers truly love my kids and are dedicated to giving them the best education possible. Classes are small and the community is very close. My kids are busy in sports, music, and drama, and they love it!
Reviews from Google
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Rating: |
Daniel Tutty, 5 years ago
Amazing school, great learning experience. Can not wait to return next year.