About Groupe Scolaire Rene Descartes
Etablissement d'enseignement privé autorisé par le Ministère de l’Education Tunisien et homologué par l'AEFE : cycle maternel/ primaire / collège/ lycée.
GSRD compte aujourd'hui deux sites situés :
- à El NASSER- Ariana
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3 to 18
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More Info >7 Reviews of Groupe Scolaire Rene Descartes
Average Ratings
Reviewer Nationalities
French (2)
How would you rate Groupe Scolaire Rene Descartes?
Just a money maker in Tunisia. Exploiting teachers in Tunisia and France. Worst approach -though recommended- of the french academic system.
Accueil, locaux , structures et programmes. L excellence en un mot.
Reviews from Google
Recent reviews posted on Google.
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Dhouha Sellaoui, 2 weeks ago
The guarantee of the French standard in Tunisia The René Descartes School Group is an educational establishment for French programs, approved from the small section to the 3rd. This certification guarantees the conformity of the programs taught and teaching practices, the training of teachers, etc. Since 2013, the primary school of the René Descartes School Group (GSRD), which welcomes 850 students divided into 32 classes, is one of the private educational establishments approved by the AEFE (Agency for French Education Abroad). The approval certifies that the students benefit from a standardized French education compared to a French school on French territory within the framework of its rigorous application of specifications defined by this same public agency. The René Descartes high school is also recognized by the AEFE and approved, in the same way as the primary level. It welcomes 1050 students spread over 40 classes and prepares for the national examinations of the DNB and the General and Technological Baccalaureate series. The René Descartes Les Berges du lac school group, created in September 2019, is an approved establishment which educates 450 students in 23 classes from the Petite section to the 3ème. The opening of the school is scheduled for the start of the school year in September 2021.
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Amine Ben Jemaa, a year ago
The achievements of the gardens of the lake: An establishment that invests itself at the top in the education sector and does not miss the opportunity to get closer to its little schoolchildren. Good luck to the whole team who never stop believing in the better future!
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Med Amine Chargui, 10 months ago
I give a miserable 1 as a student from RDC le lac, don't come here that's all I have to say. :) Kisses the administration