About German School of Kuala Lumpur (DSKL)
German School Kuala Lumpur (DSKL) is funded by the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA) and is a German School Abroad supported by the German School Association Malaysia (DSM). The DSKL was awarded the “Certificate of Excellence” several times in a row and once again in 2022 by the German Ministry of education, which is the highest honor awarded by the Ministry.
The primary aim of the German School Kuala Lumpur is to provide its students with an education based on the German education system leading to German school leaving qualifications (Abitur).
Apart from focusing on academic excellence, we provide opportunities for our students to engage in intercultural experiences by familiarizing themselves with the history, culture and everyday life of our host country Malaysia. In the lower secondary section, students of Grade 10 take part in the final examination of lower secondary education and acquire the O-Level certificate (resp. lower secondary qualification) and/or the entry qualification to the upper secondary level that leads to the German International Abitur (DIA).
Children of all nationalities with adequate German language proficiency can be admitted. DSKL from Kindergarten onwards. However, children of Malaysian nationality require permission from the Malaysian Ministry of Education prior to admission to DSKL. In addition we offer children whose families don´t live in the vicinity of Kuala Lumpur the option to stay at our supervised accommodation in Petaling Jaya.
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3 to 18
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Absolutely amazing school. The best years of my life spent there
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More Info >5 Reviews of German School of Kuala Lumpur (DSKL)
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German (2)
How would you rate German School of Kuala Lumpur (DSKL)?
Great school to send your kids to
If you have the opportunity to send your kods to another international school - better do so! Poor/No leadership by the principal. Constantly lack of good teachers. Board is volunteering parents, not to blame them, but they don't seem to be too interested to support parents. Mostly rich expats that don't care about those who have to pay from their own pocket. Principal and teacher treat parents like idiots, obviously forgetting who is paying for their salary AND who is the highest instance of the private school!!
I think this is the first school in Malaysia which has got an criminal complaint. My complaint is about discrimination of mixed non pure Germans, failure of integration of children of half German parents, financial scam, not cooperative during covid 19 pandemic and a lot more. The principal fails to manage the school in a professional way, the current teacher sets minors under physiological pressure which is not acceptable at this age. 2 different classes of human kids are among 10 kids of one degree. Thats unbelievable that the teacher is not under control of 10 kids and supports a splitting of these kids. DSLK charges a huge amount of money but they don't perform. The do not supportparents in need during the pandemic though they receive support from Germany. Even the misserable online lessons are not discounted. The principal takes into account a long term psychological damage on minors of mixed nationalities.Lets describe from these many parents of mixed germans who left the situation of this school “Good morning. Are any parents sitting with the kids listening to the lesson? I won’t say anything officially to the school, as for us I guess it’s irrelevant with 6 days left, but this teacher is not conductive to good teaching and learning. She has given very limited instructions on the current exercise and then is very short with the kids when answers are incorrect and moves onto the next child without trying to help the current child with an answer or probing them with questions to help them think about the question she has asked and possible answers. For heavens sake, this year 1, learning should be fun. XXXXX has said multiple times he doesn’t want to participate because he doesn’t want to understand what she wants, at first I thought it was a language / attention thing, but I’m sitting right next to him and don’t understand the stuff myself. She is so short with the kids and her tone constantly sounds like she’s irritated with them ……” Reply from someone else: “I am with XXXX every session from start to end and I 100% agree with you!” Another parent: “Also where are the methods? Additions are usually taught in 3 steps - first with objects, then with fingers, then in your head. Is she doing any of that?” Another parent: “Have the same feeling as XXXXX from day one, even I started getting irritated by the teacher. I also agree it’s not easy teaching online but seriously, the teacher’s attitude is just as important as the Lerner’s attitude. “ One minor cried every morning before he entered the school and begged his father under tears not to go inside this school! Thats simply not acceptable and this school is a registered non profitable company in Malaysia. What a shame for Germany. I am more than happy to assist you about this terrible school. Please write to me Michael.auste@platinum pearl and I will reply you or call you to proof everyone whatever I mentioned above.
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