European School Alicante (ESA)
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4.5 from 6 reviews
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About European School Alicante (ESA)

The European School of Alicante is a pioneer in Spain. It is the only existing establishment in Spain with this type of education, thanks to the foundation of the European agency in the city of Alicante in 1996. Our School has 4 language sections: Spanish, English, French and German. After passing the Baccalaureate exams at the end of years 6 and 7 in Secondary, our pupils obtain the European Baccalaureate diploma, which is officially recognised as an entry qualification for universities in all member states of the European Union.

Our pupils are the example of young Europeans, without limits, without distinction of nationality or languages, etc. They are responsible, serious and supportive individuals who can build the Europe of today and, above all, the Europe of tomorrow. They, with our support and trust, are our future and we will continue our efforts to build a united and prosperous Europe.

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European Baccalaureate

Primary Language



4 to 18

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6 Reviews of European School Alicante (ESA)

Average Ratings

Overall 4.50
Facilities 5.00
Academics 3.00
Teachers 4.00
Sports 4.00
Music & Arts 4.00
Science & Tech 4.00

Reviewer Nationalities

Italian (1)

How would you rate European School Alicante (ESA)?

Vittoria, 13/05/2024 @ 12:08:18
Relationship   Other

Music & Arts

Questa scuola per me ĆØ davvero straordinaria , l'ho frequentata grazie ad uno scambio e me ne sono innamorata , organizzata e strutturata in modo fantastico con laboratori e stanze attrezzate per qualsiasi passione (musica, arte, sport...) Sicuramente un punto di forza ĆØ quello dell'inclusivitĆ  e del multilinguismo . Un'esperienza fantastica ed indimenticabile grazie anche alla gentilezza degli insegnanti e dei ragazzi.

Reviews from Google

Recent reviews posted on Google.

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Magdarix G., a year ago

I went to this school (exchange) and I have to tell that this was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. The people ,like most spaniards, were so nice and so lovely. This school more than other schools is interested in the kids and their well-being than in grades. They have many educational activities that help children, teens learn in a more creative and interesting way. I really do recomend this school

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mt R, a year ago

great school and teachers, my child is happier than ever.

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Pepe Vllej, a year ago

Hola Pablo Escobar, este charco de sapos es increible. He hecho 100 amigos (chivatos)

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Jose M G, 5 months ago

La escuela europea es uno de los centros de educaciĆ³n referentes en la provincia de Alicante. Es quizĆ” la mĆ”s cara de la provincia, pero los alumnos salen con 3 idiomas hablados a la perfecciĆ³n, por lo que creo que merece la pena. Buenas instalaciones. Recalcar que es una escuela que NO prepara para la selectividad espaƱola, sino para acceder a las universidades europeas.

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roasterking, a year ago

H.O.R.R.O.R! Bitte investieren sie ihr geld woanders! Diese Schule mag fĆ¼r spanische verhƤltnisse gut sein allerdings ist sie im internationalen vergleich so schlecht dass sogar Europaschul-eigene Wettbewerbe her mĆ¼ssen. Die Schule ist top ausgestattet aber 30% des Equipments funktioniert nicht und es wir quasi nur Ć¼ber ein E-Mail System (SMS) kommuniziert. Das GebƤude gleicht eher einem Verwaltungskomplex indem die Kinder bis Nachmittag aufbewahrt werden kƶnnen. Die Lehrer sind allesamt (bis auf Ausnahmen) gut jedoch sind viele der Kinder unerzogen. Dazu kommt das dies eine Gesamtschule ist. Kinder die auf einem hƶheren Niveau sind werden durch andere ausgebremst. Wer fĆ¼r viel Geld sein Kind auf Real/Hauptschul-Niveau bilden lassen mƶchte ist hier sehr richtig. Alle anderen sollten dringend nach einer anderen und besseren Schule suchen. Viele der Kinder sind schon seit dem Kindergarten hier und haben somit keinen Vergleich. Deshalb werden viele EU-SchĆ¼ler und Eltern das nicht glauben was ich schreibe. Aber wenn man von auƟen kommt, bildet man sich hier zurĆ¼ck!

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