About Deutsche Schule Lissabon (DSL)
The Deutsche Schule Lissabon (DSL) is the second oldest German school abroad worldwide. In 1848 it was founded on the initiative of the pastor of the German Protestant community in Lisbon. Our goal is that school is not just a place of learning, but that students experience it as a positive and inspiring space.
Since October 2014, DSL has been a certified Eco-Escola, This award reached the school through extensive waste separation and energy saving efforts. Communicating environmental awareness and respect for nature is a major concern of the school.
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3 to 18
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More Info >12 Reviews of Deutsche Schule Lissabon (DSL)
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How would you rate Deutsche Schule Lissabon (DSL)?
Our son spent two years at the DSL. The experience could not have been worse. First of all, this is a school that is mostly visited by Portuguese children. Therefore the academic level for all classes held in German is very low (so all classes except for Portuguese and história e geografia). Native German speakers are underwhelmed and bored. There is no support for gifted children, just additional materials upon request nobody checks in order to offer appropriate continuation. The Portuguese children bully German newcomers, so these stick together and rarely learn Portuguese required in higher years. The teachers scold children that are in any way different, exposing them in front of class. The school psychologists are not there to support the children in need, but themselves go as far to threaten misbehaving or simply children that don't fit the mould. Children denunciate each other constantly just to save themselves from scold by the teachers. Togetherness, joy of learning, and team work are in no way supported as little as academic excellence, personal growth, or leadership. Obedience and order are the only qualities that receive attention or credit. 50% of the grade is awarded for good behaviour and orderly materials. DSL seems like a school, where children are trained to be servants. Or optionally soldiers. If you or your child don't have these aspirations, don't enrol.
Rarely any German native speaking students. Low level of German spoken by students, as a consequence. Values and life priorities from the school are inverted. I do not recommend any parent to trust their children to this institution, which is highly intolerant. Parents are persecuted if they do not agree with the school's questionable ideologies that it tries to impose on the children since 6 years of age.
Outstanding in building skills and character, focused on development and autonomy
Absolutely the best school in Lisbon. Focused on the child’s education, on preparing them both for an academic future and an autonomous life. Very strong all round in terms of curriculum. Not a school for everyone, it’s a school for the best in class
Boa escola mas alguns professores novos que vêm da Alemanha são maus. O ensino e programas de matemática e física são inferiores aos das boas escolas portuguesas. Pobres dos alunos que não conseguem entrar no curso que querem porque is exames são absurdamente difíceis.
Fui aluno da escola. Aprendi musica, arte, desporto... dos 9 aos 18 anos. Falo francês, inglês, alemão. Profundo respeito e admiração pela cultura de um povo admiravel. Era um adolescente "atrevido"... e em momento algum senti ou vivi austeridade ou agressividade. Os comentarios que aqui se referem a excesso de estudo e hipotéticas lacunas na vertente humana... são delírios. Uma realidade que não assiti ou vivi. E nao esquecendo que ter frequentado a escola alemã , sempre se apresentou como algo preponderante no mercado de trabalho.
I can highly recommend this school. I speak out of my own experience. I finished DSL with the Abitur. (I am half German, half Portuguese).
Reviews from Google
Recent reviews posted on Google.
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Cristina Correia, a year ago
Excelente organização e segurança na escola. As actividade extra-curriculares são óptimas. Os alunos ficam bilingues (alemão e português) e falam correctamente francês e inglês. As minhas filhas adoram.
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Marta Gerard, 4 months ago
A escola é péssima. O excesso de estudo prejudica a felicidade e a saúde mental do aluno. Não deixe a sua criança frequentar essa escola.
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12345 qwe, a year ago
Fui aluno desta escola e gostava vivamente de aconselhar a que NÃO coloque o seu filho/a nesta escola. Horários primitivos, professores altamente subjetivos e injustos (valorizando os alunos de nacionalidade alemã), uma carga horária absurda (inclusive nos últimos anos de escolaridade), exigência impossível de acompanhar a todos os níveis (visto que naquela escola não existem áreas de estudo, como no ensino público, dái cada aluno ter 11/12 disciplinas às quais se tem de aplicar, pois todas contam igualmente)... Sinceramente aquela escola não me trouxe nada de especial, à exceção da aprendizagem da língua alemã e a desprezar os alemães e as suas idiossincrasias. Gostava que tomasse em consideração o meu comentário, pois acredito que ao não colocar os seus filhos nesta escola eles terão muito melhores hipóteses a nível académico e, o mais importante viverão um período escolar com felicidade, pois o tempo da juventude é o melhor tempo das nossas vidas. Obrigado pela atenção.
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RDP P, a year ago
Vorsicht: Nur 6% deutsche Kinder, dies ist keine "Deutsche Schule" sondern portugiesische "Schickie-Mickie Schule". Unmotivierte und unfreundliche Lehrer, sehr schlechte Organisation der Schule. Verkehrschaos jeden Morgen, jederzeit kann wieder ein ernster Unfall passieren. Deutsche Eltern nehmen ihre Kinder aus dieser Schule immer wieder raus. Portugiesische Eltern denken ihre Kinder erhalten eine deutsche Erziehung was gar nicht der Fall ist (deswegen auch keine deutschen Reviews hier .... )