About Colegio Menor School, Campus Samborondon
Colegio Menor School, Campus Samborondón is a private and bilingual (English/Spanish) school, founded in 1995. It began with its original campus in the city of Quito and expanded to include the Samborondón Campus which first opened its doors in 2013.
Colegio Menor is affiliated with the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, is approved and recognized by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education and accredited by AdvancED. Colegio Menor’s students attend an institution that is founded upon the best models of international schools and schools in the United States, while also aiming to teach understanding, respect, and appreciation for diversity in Ecuadorian culture.
Colegio Menor School, Campus Samborondón graduates are accepted to prestigious universities both in Ecuador and abroad. As part of the Nord Anglia Education family of schools, we are ambitious for your students and believe there is no limit to what they can achieve.
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una muy buena escuela y se los digo por que yo estudio aqui
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Julio Maya, 5 years ago
Felicitaciones a este nuevo emprendimiento de Carlos , Pepe y el brillante plantel administrativo y pedagogico. El exito esta asegurado con la experiencia del ColeMenor Quito y los principios que han regido su desenvolvimiento. Mis hijos y nietos se han formado y forman en sus aulas, tanto en Quito como en Guayaquil. Sigan adelante con este empeño.