About Colegio Anglo Colombiano
The Anglo was founded in 1956 by a distinguished group of Colombian and British citizens. It is a private, coeducational, non-denominational international school; based upon the British educational system. We are dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of the education of our students and in the service we provide to the school community. We have more than 1800 students in four different sections: Preschool, Primary, Lower Bach and Upper Bach. We offer the IBO IB Diploma, the PYP and MYP programmes. The school has been accredited by the CIS since 1998. In order to accomplish our objectives the school has more than 170 teachers from which 25% are British or from other nationalities and the remainder from Colombia.
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4 to 17
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Noah Houston, in the last week
I go to this school and it’s fandabidoodle! There are tons of sports, subjects and more!
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Joshezi, 2 months ago
Shipped some of my kids of friends to this school, haven't heard from them since. Am sure they are enjoying it
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Tony Rishchynski, a year ago
I am a foreign graduate of the school, the class of 2001. The school was fantastic.
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Marlene Gerdts, 3 years ago
I was one of the founding students of the school in 1956. I entered in the 3rd grade. It was the best school in Colombia. The curriculum included algebra, English, Spanish, world history, geography, history of Colombia, science, and other subjects, following a strict English method of education. Teachers were imported from England and came from Oxford University and Cambridge University. The school was divided in four groups, "houses" for purposes of competition, in academics, sports, discipline, good behavior, leadership, and good citizenship. Students would get stars for excellence in these areas and stripes for mediocre behavior. Competition was ongoing and measured at end of week, on Fridays. I belonged to House of Nelson, symbolized by red stripes on my tie. Students wore uniforms and personal presentation and hygiene were of great importance. Sports were part of competition and physical development of students. A sports day was scheduled annually, to resemble competition at the Olympics. I am greatful to my parents for making the sacrifice to pay for the most expensive private education in Colombia. Great school, great experience. Hope it is still the best in the country.