About British International School Belgrade (BIS)
The British International School Belgrade (BIS) was opened in 1997 to cater for the needs of diplomatic and foreign business families, as well as local families who wanted education in the English language for their children. BIS was the first school in Serbia to be registered by the British Department for Education (DfE), as well as by the University of Cambridge.
British International School Belgrade is accredited by the Serbian Ministry of Education. BIS has been recognized by the British Department for Education, as well as the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Also, BIS is a regular member of the European Council of International Schools (ECIS, https://www.ecis.org), as well as the Council of International Schools.
Besides being a member of the Council of the British International Schools (COBIS), the British International School Belgrade is also an operator for the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Awards.
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Primary Language
3 to 18
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More Info >9 Reviews of British International School Belgrade (BIS)
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How would you rate British International School Belgrade (BIS)?
Bad School. Lay teachers.
BIS is the best school I have ever seen or heard of and I think this school deserves to be rated 5 STARS!!!
My daughter was adequately prepared for the education in London in BIS, Belgrade and I cannot thank them enough for their commitment to her growth, development and wellbeing.
Na jako lepom mestu, dobar odabir obrazovnog programa, uključujući i IB. Manja deca imaju jako lepe učionice i dosta mesta za igru napolju. Samo školovanje zavisi naravno umnogome od nastavnika/nastavnice, te je to vrlo individualno, ali što se nas tiče, vrlo smo zadovoljni.
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Mirko Popovic, a year ago
Dopadaju mi se škole ove vrste. Zanemarujem činjenicu da su otvorene prvenstveno za nesmetano školovanje dece diplomatskog kora i poslovo vezanih stranaca, jer je izvestan broj mesta rezervisan i za domicilno stanovništvo, koje tako ima priliku da besprekorno savlada strane jezike.