About Brendon Primary School
Brendon Primary School is the first school in Hanoi providing UK primary education for children. The curriculum is designed based on the standard education system of the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training and the main subjects in the UK education system. The goal of the whole program is to focus on the intellectual and physical development of students, helping them become active members in the international social environment.
In addition to teaching knowledge, students can learn in a modern educational environment with advanced teaching methods combined with experience and discovery, building and training skills naturally, and perfecting personality development at the same time.
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Find Out More >Curriculum
English, Vietnamese
Primary Language
3 to 11
Max Class Size
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BIS is great school for parents looking for a school with passionate teachers
The campus feels light, bright, clean, and energetic!
There is something magical about this school
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More Info >5 Reviews of Brendon Primary School
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Vietnamese (1)
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Brendon is one of the best schools in Hanoi. It is a beautiful and friendly school. My son always feels happy when he comes to Brendon school.
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