About Bjørn's International School (BIS)
Bjørn's International School in Copenhagen is an independent international school with about 160 students from over 50 nations and an internationally qualified teaching staff. BIS students can be taught through English or Danish from 6 to 16 years.
BIS is a member of ECIS (European Council of International Schools) and the centre for IGCSE (the International General Certificate of Secondary Education) in Copenhagen. Bjorn’s International School was established in 1967 and is open to all who share our vision and guidelines.
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Find Out More >Curriculum
Danish, English
Primary Language
6 to 16
Max Class Size
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My sons have attended this school for 5 years and it's been brilliant
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More Info >8 Reviews of Bjørn's International School (BIS)
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How would you rate Bjørn's International School (BIS)?
After trying a few schools in the Copenhagen area, we finally found the perfect fit for our children with BIS. Multicultural, open, and with high academic standards.
Smaller class sizes, teachers who care, and our daughter really likes to learn at Bjørn's International School. Catered to the needs of the children. More affordable than other international schools in Copenhagen. I highly recommend it.
Fantastic school. Will highly recommend
Reviews from Google
Recent reviews posted on Google.
Rating: |
Morten Lund, 3 years ago
Both our children have attended Bjørn's International School (B-I-S) since 1st grade, and I have always been happy and impressed with the school. We originally chose B-I-S because the school was recommended to us, and because of the affordable tuition fees. What we also found was a school that has the size (relatively small) and philosophy to truly leverage diversity across cultures, ethnicities and (for the children) age groups. A school that can produce well functioning and truly academically strong young adults. I want to emphasize three specific features, that I think make the difference for B-I-S: 1) the faculty diversity and expertise - very good teachers (some brilliant) that share a common value set towards teaching and are very engaged 2) the size of the school and class/year size - both principal and teachers know your child personally and can take care of his or her needs 3) a principal that lives the vision of the school and always promotes a mindset of diversity and inclusion with students, parents and faculty Our eldest child is now graduating from B-I-S, and I could not have wished for a better place for him to grow and be formed as an individual. As an alternative to larger and more institutional schools, I give B-I-S my warmest recommendations.
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Angela Wiedemann, 3 years ago
Jeg er overrasket over udtalelsen fra Soraya Duquesne om, at Bjørns Internationale Skole er en racistisk skole. Vores datter gik på skolen i 3 år. På intet tidspunkt i den periode har vi oplevet skolens ledelse, lærer, andre forældre eller børn som racistiske. På det tidspunkt hvor vores datter gik der var der 55 nationaliteter fordelt på 154 elever. Hvilket vil sige, at der altid herskede en international atmosfære, hvilket vores datter elskede. Vi har altid oplevet en professionel ledelse / lærerstab som har villet vores datter det bedste. Da vores datter startede på skolen havde hun en faglig udfordring i dansk. I løbet af ganske kort tid havde lærerne omkring vores datter klarlagt hvor der skulle sættes ind, så vores datter følte sig stærk i dansk og det lykkedes til fulde. Jeg kan anbefale skolen til jer, som ønsker en skolen hvor der er fokus på det fagligt niveau, elevernes trivsel samt et internationalt miljø hvor der er plads til alle nationaliteter.
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Nikolai Cumming Løkkegaard, 3 months ago
Det er en god skole. Men hvis dit barn har brug for noget hjælp, så får man det ikke. Jeg kender mange som har gået fra skolen på grund af det.