About Berlin Metropolitan School
Berlin Metropolitan School is the oldest international school in the center of Berlin. 1,000 students from 52 countries attend our school and are taught using the best international and national curriculum programs.
The Berlin Metropolitan School is an all-day school, allowing students from kindergarten through 12th grade to complete a modern and values-based education, culminating into an internationally recognized diploma. An international team of more than 200 dedicated employees lead the way for the learning success of our students.
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More Info >9 Reviews of Berlin Metropolitan School
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How would you rate Berlin Metropolitan School?
This school now has too many students for the building. It was nice when my older sister went, but it is too crowded now. There is not enough space to play or have sport and sometimes not enough food in the mensa.
I'm a student at Berlin Metropolitain Scgool and I think that overall, its a fantastic school! We have great teachers, clubs and opportunities. There is a big focus on thinking and the only thing I would improve would be to increase the academic focus and rigour for the primary school.
I have two kids in this school. Overall very satisfied. Their math teaching is a bit irretating, but overall a great concept. Wonderful teaching team,
BMS is a great school. They have a great set of subjects to offer and the teacher's support is truly amazing. Next to that BMS has a great range of extracurricular activities to offer such as a Model UN club and a great School Magazine.
Reviews from Google
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Mion Joosten, 2 months ago
I go to this school and I’m in secondary now and they help you a lot though struggle. They also are very polite and they help you when you need help and they are always patient when you can’t answer a question. The teacher are the best!!!!!❤️❤️thank you for helping me through 7th grade!
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Lisa Witter, 4 months ago
Great global community, excellent focus on developing the whole person and lovely school spirit.
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Zoltan Lukac, 6 months ago
Before registering my kids at the BMS I researched about 40 schools in Berlin and met with about 10 that I considered to be the best. Today, after 1 1/2 year we can confirm that the BMS was an excellent choice for the education of our kids. Besides being an accredited school in Germany, it follows the world class IB program and does so with excellence, judging by its results. The vast majority of the teachers are very good and engaged teachers, who like the entire school body, live by a good set of values and principles. The diversity students is almost impossible to beat and the school has the right support structure and commitment to deal with that. Perhaps the one draw back of the school is the fact that it is somewhat crammed into a few buildings and doesn't have the "greenery" that perhaps many expat kids are used to. However, the quality of the facility is excellent and we personally love the fact that it is in the heart of Berlin!
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Christina Mallet, 6 months ago
As a former teacher with a Masters degree in Education, I find I am continuously impressed by the level of instruction and research based educational policy at Berlin Metropolitan School. I find the school leadership and administration professional and passionate about delivering an excellent education and creating an ethos of kindness and compassion. I also find they are very willing to receive parental feedback and thoughtfully consider ideas brought forward. My children have learned a great deal in the six months they have been at BMS, as well they have developed strong bonds with their teachers and classmates. I highly recommend BMS!