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American School of Paris (ASP)
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5.0 from 4 reviews
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About American School of Paris (ASP)

American School of Paris (ASP) is an international school focused on personal and academic excellence, innovative programs, and student-centered learning. With students and families from more than 50 countries, our community is united by a passion for learning, and engaging with what it means to be a responsible, global citizen in a dynamic world. Our commitment to lifelong learning, leadership, creativity, and responsibility last a lifetime. An ASP education prepares students to succeed in the real world, no matter where they go next.

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Ethos Statement

We are a nurturing, resilient learning community of families from around the world, committed to lifelong learning and a world-class education for a dynamic world. Inquire today and learn more about making ASP your academic home in France.

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IB, AP, American

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3 to 18

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4 Reviews of American School of Paris (ASP)

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Overall 5.00
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Reviews from Google

Recent reviews posted on Google.

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tim gelinas, 4 months ago

attended the American School of Paris 73-74, great experience. the field trips to gorgeous historical sites are solidified in my memory....not so great were the frequent recess detentions because of various instances of mischiefness.... a funny memory of going there was our basketball team playing the high school's team next door except they were always short one player, they were permitted to choose one of our players to be on their team. they always picked the black kid lol.

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Mari Luz Jimenez Garrido, 7 months ago

Hi guys, My name is Claudia Perez Jimenez. I am currently in 5th grade, I am apart of the 2019 5th grade class. American School of Paris is AMAZING!!! You learn so much and get so many new friends, I promise there is so much love. If you want your kid to be loved in many ways, to have a good education, to have the most amazing teachers ever, ASP is the place to go. There is a new girl that is coming to the school after student led conference and she came for a little visit. When she entered my class I promise the whole class, each boy and each girl were all running to her to be friends. The principals are awesome! They are so much fun! I don’t think anything negative about ASP. P.S this is the school for your child/children.

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Baltimore Runningman, 8 months ago

I attended ASP from 1981-1983. I played basketball, ran track, and played trombone in the band. Went on athletic trips to London and ate cow tongue in Normandy while on a school trip. Loved the experience.

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Huan DENG, 9 months ago

I'm surprised there are not many comments on the American School of Paris. Giving it a 5 starts as it has really nice classrooms, which could give a good mood to the children.:)

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