Al Yasmina Academy Abu Dhabi
Reviews & Information

3.2 from 8 reviews
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About Al Yasmina Academy

Al Yasmina Academy Abu Dhabi is an exciting, challenging and enjoyable place for all, where the staff are dedicated to providing a stimulating environment, where everyone feels valued and safe, ideas can flourish and students can realise their full potential. A love of learning, enquiry, independence, creativity, motivation and resilience are key factors in our learning culture.

This happens in different ways for different individuals and is enhanced by the provision of a wide range of opportunities both within and outside of the ‘statutory’ curriculum. We recognise that learning is a never ending process and take advantage of every opportunity to enrich the curriculum through real life experiences, educational visits, themed activities and visitors. We want our students' time in our school to be memorable, to build on what they know and can do and help them become lifelong learners.

We appreciate the importance of achieving high standards and support that process. It is important to us that we provide academic rigour within a supportive and inviting environment in which students enjoy attending and feel safe. We aim to equip our students to become global citizens of the future, able to make a positive contribution to society.

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8 Reviews of Al Yasmina Academy

Average Ratings

Overall 3.23
Facilities 3.00
Academics 2.00
Teachers 2.00
Sports 3.67
Music & Arts 3.67
Science & Tech 3.67

Reviewer Nationalities

Emirian (1) British (2)

How would you rate Al Yasmina Academy?

kaw, 23/02/2023 @ 19:06:40
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

I have 2 kids in Yasmina academy. I like their improvements in all subjects. I can say perfect school and good luck!

Nur, 01/10/2021 @ 04:10:00
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

A fantastic school with fantastic teachers.

Victoria Bevan, 28/06/2021 @ 10:05:38
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

Terrible school, just a business wanting to make a profit

Reviews from Google

Recent reviews posted on Google.

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Khaled Farah Vlogs, 2 weeks ago

Al Yasmiana School is in my opinion a very good school. Teachers are very good and education is very high in the school. One thing I can say is teachers do care, they will do anything so that you get the grades you want and that's what I love. as well as that teachers and students are so welcoming and very friendly. I am currently in the school and I can say without a shadow of a doubt. Being here makes me feel welcomed and happy and I will always be able to say that hence the fact that Yasmina is overall a very good School.

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Mohamed Taraboulsi, 12 months ago

Amazing school, we have an array of outstanding teachers all with the same goal to further inspire and motivate the upcoming citizins of the world. The students in this school fascinate me as no other school comes near to our superb students that take pride in their learning and clearly show great attitude towards their studies, making me extremely proud. I wish all the future students of this next and inspiring generation good luck and to keep up this phenomenal work.

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Salem Shimmari, 5 months ago

Whaaat, u never played tuber simulator *pfffshsh* I’m not supposed to give my opinion, but give it a try and then u can tell me if it’s good or not, not convinced yet, ok, I’ll cut u a deal, the game is available for free. And that’s a great price

Google logoRating: 

Fatma Alali, 2 months ago

I think it needs to improve the teachers and the material they're teaching the students are childish not to forget they're ”GSCE” students. They put a pe coach as a head of year, oh my goodness. The staff are all over the place.

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Raf A, 4 months ago

Sad to see a one day outstanding school turned to this kind of disaster. Whole classes of students getting E and D grades due to low standard of teachers. Kids discipline is Zero. Teachers afraid from kids.

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