Kendale Primary International School Rome
Reviews & Information

4.6 from 7 reviews
School Overview Reviews

About Kendale Primary International School

Kendale Primary International School was established in 1972. The school has a long history of high academic achievement and prepares its pupils for both international and Italian middle schools. The classes, ranging from beginning primary (4 -5 years) to 5th Grade (Year 6), are small with an average of 10-14 students per class.

Kendale offers the joy of learning and working in a cohesive community where the efforts and contributions of all those involved are appreciated and valued. A community where there is an emphasis, not only on important scholastic goals and high behavioural expectations but also on creativity and, amongst others, the values of kindness, empathy, caring and sharing. In order to maintain a cooperative group ethic, opportunities are regularly provided for classes to interact with other age groups. Within these groups each individual is nurtured and respected so that they grow in confidence and self-esteem.

The personalised approach to learning leads to a constant flow of visits from ex-students, many of whose parents were themselves pupils at the school. Ex-Kendalians around the world maintain a connection with their peers many years after leaving. This connection is in line with our school motto: ONCE A KENDALIAN; ALWAYS A KENDALIAN!

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7 Reviews of Kendale Primary International School

Average Ratings

Overall 4.65
Facilities 4.00
Academics 4.50
Teachers 4.50
Sports 3.50
Music & Arts 5.00
Science & Tech 4.00

Reviewer Nationalities

Australian (1) Canadian (1)

How would you rate Kendale Primary International School?

Tiara , 27/04/2024 @ 13:20:09
Relationship   Parent

Music & Arts

A very nice school, kids learn creativity and discipline and they live wonderful experiences. Teachers are kind and they always support their students encouraging them to never give up and always look forward to life.

Stephanie, 04/05/2023 @ 13:07:44
Relationship   Ex Pupil

Music & Arts

Warm family environment. Great staff and excellent academics! Highy recommended

Reviews from Google

Recent reviews posted on Google.

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Alessandro Rocca, 5 years ago

Excellent English school!

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Emilio Gianvenuti, 2 months ago

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Flaminia Rivosecchi, 2 years ago

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Matilda Fiorito, 2 years ago

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Suvendu Das, 3 years ago

Kendale is a small but dynamic school which provides a safe, supportive and caring environment where a dedicated staff guides children towards the acquisition of knowledge, skills and confidence, the necessary foundations for a life-long love of learning. English mother tongue teachers Class sizes 9-16 Strong Italian language programme (preparation for 5th Grade Italian State examinations) Introductory French from the age of 7 years (2nd Grade) Emphasis on traditional values Creativity in music and art encouraged

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