About International Montessori School of Prague (IMSP)
The International Montessori School of Prague (IMSP) is a private school serving children aged 15 months to 13 years. We are committed to educating children through the Montessori Method, and are the only school in the Czech Republic to hold an accreditation from the American Montessori Society. Our English immersion program welcomes students of all nationalities and cultural backgrounds to share our joy of learning. The curriculum exceeds all requirements of the Czech Ministry of Education and holds its accreditation, enabling our students to continue in Czech Elementary and Secondary schools; for our international students, we offer Czech for Foreigners courses.
We offer an authentic Montessori education that recognizes the uniqueness of each child as they become self-confident and respectful citizens and leaders in the world. For every age, the program combines high academic standards with lessons in respect, grace and courtesy, everyday outside play, creative expression and a wide variety of extra curriculas such as dance or yoga. From the youngest age, our students are guided to reach independence, take ownership of their education and be an active participant in their community.
The school's goal is to foster a peaceful, nurturing community where each child is able to reach their fullest potential. Montessori students go on to become self-confident, self-motivated lifelong learners, having built a foundation of problem solving and critical thinking skills and a sense of responsibility for self, others, and the environment. A testament to our academic focus is our graduates' 100% success rate of acceptance into secondary schools of their choice, as well as in sitting the British Council language exams for our non-native English speakers.
We welcome you to visit our website or contact us to learn more about our program, or schedule a tour of our campus.
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Ethos Statement
IMSP is an international school offering authentic Montessori education. Embracing each child's unique potential, we empower our students to achieve academic excellence and become confident, compassionate and engaged citizens of the world.
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Find Out More >Curriculum
Montessori, Czech
Primary Language
1 to 12
Max Class Size
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More Info >12 Reviews of International Montessori School of Prague (IMSP)
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How would you rate International Montessori School of Prague (IMSP)?
Our son loves it here and we are happy to see him grow in this community of wonderful and supporting teachers and staff. We love how school helps him grow as a part of group, as well as guide him in his individual curiosities. I can see how my now 3-years-old son now is becoming more independent, exploring the world and building relationships with everyone. Also to note: 1) School offers variety of "out-of-school" programs like sports or music 2) Provides the parents with platform to learn about the child's progress 3) 100% open communication 4) Most importantly: were able to successfully communicate and organize online programs during the lockdown We would highly recommend the school!
IMSP is a bilingual (English-Czech) school with very personal approach and a friendly attitude to our children. Taken as partners with clear responsibilities, duties and freedoms. The learning has space for individual work as well as collaboration, project-based learning, problem-based learning, self-reflection, open mind etc. The international atmosphere supports their respect to different cultures and people's differences.
Our daughter is attending IMSP Primary 2 class since October 2020 and we have never seen her to blossom more before. She is looking forward to school every day, returning with a big smile every afternoon. The school environment is welcoming, kind and friendly. The IMSP team is professional and supportive. We are very happy that we are part of this unique community.
Our daughter is attending IMSP Primary 2 class since October 2020 and we have never seen her to blossom more before. She is looking forward to school every day, returning with a big smile every afternoon. The school environment is welcoming, kind and friendly. The IMSP team is professional and supportive. We are very happy that we are part of this unique community.
We were introduced to the Montessori method of education via the "Toddler & Me" program of IMSP and we could immediately tell the difference. Ever since our now 5-year-old enjoys every day at school as she is building up her independence and develops her individual personality. Highly recommended!
Our daughter attended the school, 1 year at toddler and 2 years in primary. And she loved the school her friends and specially her teachers! As parents we will miss the teachers they are great and motivating the children to work and they are learning at the same time! We would have loved to leave her extra years but due to private family decision she has continued somewhere else. We will never forget IMSP and I think our daughter too. Everyone is very friendly and is a proper Montessori school and not what people think. They are helping and tutoring the children to learn in a positif way. It’s the only real Montessori school in Prague I 100% guarantee it!
As soon as I first walked in this place, I was hooked (let alone my daughter). All the staff treat the children like equals and act as their guides, instead of pointless scolding or patronising. The classrooms are full of stimulating toys and activities, everything is child-sized (shelves, kitchen sink etc.) English is the universal language there and though my daughter could speak English before, I can tell that her language skills have gone up considerably. She always seems excited about her day spent there. She generally likes the food that is served. To me, the parent, everyone in the school has always been very attentive and helpful. We also enjoy the extra-curricular events that the school occasionally organizes. Unlike some other kindergartens we visited, we can see exactly what the tuition fee goes into and it is money well spent. I can heartily recommend this place to anyone who wants their kids to grow into independent people with a head start in life.
Velké problémy, pokud se chce dítě následně zapojit do českého vzdělávacího programu, ZŠ nepřipraví na Cermat, děti neumí pořádně česky (v 5. tř. neznají vyjmenovaná slova apod.). Škola preferuje cizince.
Reviews from Google
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Dagmar Nováková, a year ago
IMSP is a great place where the teachers don’t play the role of „teachers“ in the traditional way. Instead, they serve as guides for each individual kid on his or her journey to discover how much fun it can be to learn and discover the world where we live. When you attend the class you can see in the kids’ eyes their passion to learn, their ability to cooperate with other kids and adults, and finally the unbelievable easiness of just being in the class. It’s a place where I would love to study myself.
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Zaneta Badlikova, a year ago
Great school with a very professional approach - very individual and holistic. It's the school where you are going to see your kids growing into responsible individuals and shining at the same time! Our daughters are loving it.
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Martina Ettelová, 4 months ago
O IMSP jsem se dozvěděla náhodou, od mé dlouholeté kamarádky, které na škole měla své dvě děti a básnila o škole pokaždé, když jsme se viděly. S Montessori výukou jsem dosud neměla žádné praktické zkušenosti, nicméně jsem stále víc přemýšlela, kam bude můj nejmladší syn chodit a školka pro něj nebude jen místem, kde ho pohlídají a dají najíst, ale budou ho neustále rozvíjet, učit novým věcem a kde bude v kontaktu s podobně starými dětmi a já se tak dostanu do komunity lidí, se kterými si budu rozumět i mimo školku. Po více než měsíci mohu upřímně říct, že jsem nadšená jak z přístupu učitelů, tak z pokroků, které můj syn (nyní 1,5) každý den dělá. Sám se chce strojit, obouvat, pomáhá mi s domácími pracemi s takovým nadšením, které u svého staršího syna, který chodit do běžné školky, neznám. Reaguje výborně na anglický jazyk, se kterým se před tím nikdy nesetkal, do školky se těší. Líbí se mi, jak s nimi chodí každý den ven, co kreativního každý den vytváří i jak reaguje na říkanky a písničky, které ve třídě každý den slyší. Rovněž rodiče ostatních dětí jsou přátelští a já si umím představit, že v této školce/škole zůstaneme co nejdéle.